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Goku fidgeted anxiously, his feet shuffling as he struggled to maintain his patience while waiting for your return. He let out a small whimper, his eyes fixated on the window by the front door.

Vegeta, irritated by Goku's behavior, couldn't help but comment, "You're acting like a loyal dog awaiting its master, Kakarot." He concealed his own impatience by tapping his fingers restlessly against his arms.

Goku let out another whine, torn between his desire to check on you and his reluctance to disturb your calm energy. "I really should go and see if she's alright. It's been an hour already, but I don't want to bother her. Yet, it feels like forever."

Turles, reclining on the couch, expressed his frustration by angrily thumping his tail and closing his eyes. "We seriously need to find more fulfilling pastimes."

Goku's face lit up with excitement as he let out an exuberant "Squee!" upon sensing your energy drawing nearer to the house. Instantly, the other men sprang to their feet, neither admitting that they had been missing your presence.

However, their anticipation quickly turned into suspicion as they sensed another unfamiliar energy accompanying yours. Their eyes widened in alarm as Goku swung open the front door, revealing you walking alongside an unknown man, whom you were supporting. It was evident that he needed help.
Confusion and concern filled the room as the men exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to this unexpected turn of events.

As you focused on tending to the injured man, resembling Goku and Turles, you remained oblivious to the surprised and dismissive expressions of your housemates. They couldn't help but appreciate your compassionate nature, yet their distrust for the stranger remained unwavering.

Letting out a soft sigh, you finished attending to the man's injuries and let him to rest on the couch. Placing your hands on your hips, you addressed your housemates with a determined tone. "Listen, he's in no condition to answer any questions right now, and I don't want any of you to interrogate him. All I know is that he needs a safe place to stay, and he's too weak to survive on his own at the moment."

Your words hung in the air, a plea for understanding and cooperation. Though your housemates remained skeptical, they couldn't deny your genuine concern for the stranger's well-being.

Throughout the night, you ensured that none of the guys disturbed the stranger you were tending to. You curled up on the loveseat chair near the couch, determined to protect his peace.

In his room, Vegeta paced silently, his mind consumed with thoughts of whether Goku remembered him mentioning Bardock as his father. While he had only known Bardock briefly, it was enough to raise his suspicions.

Turles, too, remained awake, quietly huffing in frustration. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched you care for Bardock instead of being cuddled up with him. He reluctantly admitted to himself that he might be envious of the attention Bardock was receiving from you.

Goku, his determination unwavering, utilized instant transmission to silently appear in the living room. A warm smile graced his face as he observed your peaceful slumber, but his attention quickly shifted to Bardock.

With utmost care, Goku crouched down in front of the older man, his gaze fixated on the scar etched across Bardock's cheek. He studied his features intently, noting the striking resemblance between Bardock and himself, even more so than with Turles. It was a peculiar realization, considering their shared physical similarities.

A flicker of curiosity sparked within Goku as his eyes trailed down to the tail wrapped around Bardock's waist. He pondered the idea of regrowing his own tail, recalling how Turles had done so in the past, particularly during his small fight with Gohan. This train of thought led him to wonder about Vegeta and his own tail. Did Vegeta ever consider bringing it back? The thought lingered in Goku's mind, prompting him to contemplate the possibilities.

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