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In the remaining half hour of the tournament, the eyes of many competitors, both out or watching from nearby while they weren't fixated in their own fights, remained fixated on you, but none scrutinized more intensely than the two lingering ice-jin combatants, Frieza and Frost. Their motives, however, differed in clarity.

Engaged in a solitary confrontation after veering away from your prior fight, you grappled with a formidable opponent hailing from Universe 3. With Roshi out, your universe was still holding on with the most warriors.

Despite your efforts to maintain the struggle without tapping into your reserved energy, this adversary, possessing bulk and heft, hurled weighty blows that mirrored his stature. Yet, his speed lacked the ferocity it might wield if he were truly serious.

You shot a deliberate glare at the imposing figure, half-heeding his words. "A diminutive woman like you, employing such tactics, is genuinely surprising. Yet, your calculated and perilous moves speak of a seasoned warrior. It's regrettable that I must defeat you for my universe's sake!" he proclaimed, prompting a rapid succession of blinks from you. "Actually, this is my first authentic battle. I've sparred plenty of times with guys from my universe, but fighting like this? It's a debut," you retorted, shrugging, prompting uproarious laughter from the man, who dismissed your words as jest. The sensation of being ridiculed kindled a silent fire within you, making your Saiyan tail twitch around your waist in agitation.

Clenching your fists tighter, assuming a sturdier fighting stance, you fixed an icy glare upon the man as he further bulked up. Yet, a sudden arrival disrupted the tension, an ice-jin landing before you, a halo an incongruous sight.

"Well, well, confident in that absurd bulk, are we?" Frieza remarked to your opponent, his long tail slightly curling. Your adversary, brimming with cockiness, boasted and taunted. Frieza's mouth twitched slightly before his smirk turned significantly more menacing. "Your brawn undoubtedly surpasses your brain. Perhaps a lesson in manners is in order."

Stepping forward, you glared slightly at Frieza. "Excuse me, this is my fight," you asserted, drawing Frieza's crimson gaze. "My apologies, dear," Frieza teased lightly, adopting a relaxed stance. Meanwhile, your opponent continued his smug tirade, spouting outrageous misogyny that nearly made you bare your fangs in anger.

Amidst the verbal exchange, Frieza noticed your simmering fury, hidden beneath a composed exterior. Partially pleased that you restrained yourself, he sneered at your opponent's antics, feeling a hint of satisfaction from the palpable bloodlust exuding from your energy.

"He seems to have captivated you, monkey. Will you act?" Frieza teased, but his jesting retreated as you turned your head toward him, an aura of seething rage despite your calm expression. "If you're more interested in fighting him than me, then either incapacitate me or wait until I'm out. Until then, stay put," you declared, then directed your attention back to your opponent. "But I'll entertain you; you can have what's left of him once I'm through, though you'll need to scrape him off the ground."

Frieza's cold heart skipped a beat, the intensity of your gaze stirring something within him, a disturbing allure. He felt aghast at being drawn to a Saiyan, attributing it perhaps to your fearless female nature. Stepping back, he granted space for you and your opponent to engage, his tail swaying slowly.

As you squared off against your overly muscular adversary, there was no delay in reigniting the battle; you lunged forward, met by his block using his massive arm.

Frieza maintained his observer's stance, meticulously tracking your diminutive form amidst the towering figure. Despite your seemingly feeble appearance, Frieza discerned your strategy. With a keen gaze, he noticed that your rapid, seemingly insignificant punches were far from trivial. You orchestrated a barrage so swift and concentrated that your opponent failed to perceive the imminent strain about to afflict his muscles, inducing an agonizing and debilitating seize-up. Intentionally allowing yourself to be knocked back, it served as a ruse to deplete his energy while conserving your own.

Gradually, your plan bore fruit. The man grimaced in shock and agony as his limbs succumbed one by one, rendering him crashing face-first onto the ground, wild rage emanating from his eyes. Stepping back slightly, you braced yourself as the man unexpectedly sprouted an additional pair of arms and legs, each as robust as the original. "You think you're clever, little girl?! I'm done holding back!" he bellowed, prompting you to prepare for the ensuing round. The realization dawned that you'd need to tap into your own energy; internally, you powered up swiftly to ss2j.

Meanwhile, Frieza effortlessly deflected a meager ki blast hurled his way by the man, his crimson eyes ever fixated on your tactics. Noticing the peculiar nature of your ki blasts, Frieza observed as you unleashed specialized attacks resembling thin streams of energy enveloped by spiky, circular shapes reminiscent of hollow discs adorned with chainsaw blades. These assaults struck your opponent forcefully, causing him to stagger and roar in agony before you launched into another flurry of precision attacks aimed at incapacitating him.

In the midst of your graceful evasion and seamless counterattacks, several observers, including the Goddess of Destruction from Universe 2, couldn't help but emit lamenting sighs at the disparaging comments hurled by your opponent. However, the situation took a stark turn when your adversary made it clear his intentions included easily dispatching Frieza to bolster his own superiority. In an unexpected twist, Frieza inserted himself into the fray, aligning with you against this overpowering brute. Astonishingly, the synergy between you and Frieza in combat was striking. Yet, the amalgamation of your powers with Frieza's created an unnerving force, toying with the hulking opponent until he was forcibly removed from the arena.

"A maiden of genuine strength, yet constrained by the limitations of her own universe. Perhaps, upon our triumph, sparing her life could introduce her to a realm of acceptance," praised the Goddess, her sentiment met with a dismissive retort from Beerus. "Enough! Y/N would never affiliate with such a feeble universe!"

Following the elimination of your opponent, you cast a wary glance around, ensuring you weren't the next target of other combatants, before shifting your gaze to Frieza. He sported a nonchalant expression, his tail swaying subtly. "I explicitly stated that he was mine, Frieza," you assert pointedly to the lizard tyrant, but Frieza smirked. "My apologies, but it appears I couldn't resist," he retorted, edging closer to you. "Furthermore, I couldn't help but notice your power. Why these other 'monkeys' are so fervent in protecting you, despite their typically brutish nature. It's now clear to me. I realized you bear a striking resemblance to someone quite vexing..." Frieza remarked before dangerously cupping your neck, applying slight pressure with his thumb against your lower lip. "You're truly unique. Yes, you remind me of your obstinate mother. She had immense potential but chose to abscond from my father's army, not even with the father of her child. No, it was some lover of hers..." Frieza's words hung ominously, chilling you to the core. "What...?" you barely managed to utter, and Frieza smirked. "Oh, were you not aware? I suppose not. A barrel of monkeys remains unpredictable. You're a pure-blooded Saiyan, yet merely a bastard child."

You wrench yourself free from Frieza's grasp, a scowl etched across your face, battling the turmoil stirring within you. "What exactly are you attempting here? Trying to rattle me enough to make me falter?" you fire off swiftly, seething with anger.

Frieza's smirk widens at your reaction. "Oh, do spare me. I highly doubt you cherished visions of your simian parents as paragons. Especially with tales of your mother gallivanting more often than not with her peers from the flea circus. Toulle was her name, if memory serves. Quite the charmer among a handful of soldiers," he adds condescendingly, observing the contortion of your face. Before he can further inflict mental wounds with these vile insinuations about your mother, Vegeta swoops down, positioning himself in front of you, radiating a furious glare directed at Frieza. "What's your game, Frieza?" he demands, his voice laced with anger, yet Frieza's smirk only widens before he saunters away. "It would be regrettable to see your precious little spider monkey continually restrained when she could achieve victory much more effortlessly. Though, Vegeta, witnessing you care for someone other than yourself is rather amusing," Frieza remarks, departing without waiting for a reply.

Vegeta growls in frustration under his breath. "Cursed creature..." he mutters before turning his attention to you, observing a myriad of emotions swirling in your eyes. "Y/N, maintain your focus. This isn't the moment for emotional distractions," Vegeta commands sharply, snapping you back to the present. Inhaling deeply, you nod softly, meeting his gaze. "Right..."

(A/N: just giving you all another filler chapter until I'm back on track with both the episodes and my schedule/the holiday season)

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