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Today, it was finally your turn to engage in a rigorous training session with Vegeta. However, it took some convincing to persuade Goku to spar with Turles instead. All the guys were eager to train with you, but you insisted on maintaining fairness.

In a secluded training spot, you found yourself locked in a fierce battle with the Saiyan prince. Your primary objective was to land a hit on him while simultaneously evading his relentless barrage of attacks. Vegeta's power level was off the charts, dwarfing your own, but you refused to back down.

Hours had passed since the start of the morning training session, and now you found yourself trapped beneath Vegeta's vice-like grip. The two of you had taken a tumble down a densely forested hill, resulting in your current predicament.

You wriggled and twisted, desperately attempting to loosen Vegeta's unyielding grip. Your usual alligator roll tactic proved futile against his superior strength, as he effortlessly rolled with your movements to maintain control.

"Perhaps if you accept your inferiority as the weaker Saiyan, I might consider sparing you from a severe beating before our training concludes," Vegeta taunted, swiftly immobilizing your legs with his own as soon as you attempted to knee him.

Growling defiantly, you attempted a headbutt, but Vegeta effortlessly anticipated your next move, causing you to miss. With one hand firmly securing your wrists above your head, Vegeta used his free hand to grip your chin. "You still have much to learn. It's insulting that you hold back because you're concerned about hurting me."

You made one last attempt to break free, but eventually, you let out a heavy sigh and went limp beneath Vegeta, surprising him, although not enough for him to release his grip. "Vegeta, I'm not trying to insult you or hold back," you confessed, your voice filled with sincerity. "You're truly an incredible person and an exceptional teacher, despite your rough exterior. But I'm more disappointed in myself for being so weak. Maybe it's a result of my childhood illness, but I know I'm lacking in strength."

Vegeta observed you, his grip gradually loosening. "Y/N," he uttered, his voice laced with a hint of concern. As soon as you felt his hold weaken, you swiftly seized the opportunity, flipping the tables and pinning him beneath you, a mischievous grin spreading across your face.

"Hah! Gotcha!" you exclaimed excitedly, a triumphant smile spreading across your face as you witnessed the slight pout on Vegeta's features, clearly annoyed at having been tricked.

Scoffing beneath you, Vegeta frowned. "That was a cheap move. I almost felt a hint of sympathy."

Giggling playfully, you retorted, "But it worked, and I gained the upper hand-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Vegeta swiftly used your ego against you, propelling himself upwards and causing you to fly onto your back once again. He pinned you against the soft, grassy ground, his intense gaze locking with yours.

"Remember this, Y/N: When you're the one being hunted, never trust the hunter," Vegeta stated firmly, his voice laced with a hint of warning.

You stared up at him, wide-eyed, before pouting and suddenly struggling against Vegeta with all your might, causing him to lose his grip. The two of you tumbled down the hill once more, this time in a less controlled manner. As you landed on your back, the wind knocked out of you, you found yourself in a surprising position-Vegeta's lips accidentally pressed against yours.

Both of you were taken aback by the sudden and accidental turn of events, unable to fully comprehend what had just happened as the ground beneath you gave way, plunging you into a deep river below.

Once you managed to regain control and pull yourselves out of the water, you sat next to each other in an uncomfortable silence, the weight of the situation hanging in the air.

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