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Chichi's gaze remained fixed on you, her eyes filled with intensity, while Zamasu's attention was primarily focused on Goku. Surprisingly, Black appeared to be equally intrigued by you, but he chose to step back for the moment, wearing a mischievous smirk. It was evident that both you and Goku were the center of attention, albeit for different reasons. As Goku regained his footing, he positioned himself beside you, while you had yet to unleash your SSBlue power. You couldn't help but notice that Goku still showed no interest in Chichi, making it clear that nothing would deter him from engaging in a fight, even if it meant going against her.

"I've come here to see you," Zamasu addressed Goku, prompting a response from him. "So, I see you're friends with Black," Goku remarked, once again disregarding Chichi, who appeared slightly hurt as she shot him a resentful glare.

"Hey, Goku, don't you miss me too?" Chichi's voice carried a hint of longing, desperately seeking his attention. Finally, Goku spared her a fleeting glance, responding with a curt "Hey" before redirecting his focus towards Zamasu and Black. You maintained a neutral expression, suppressing your amusement at Goku's cold response to Chichi. It clearly caught her off guard, causing her to resume her glare at the two of you. "We're not friends," Zamasu retorted, his tone laced with a hint of ambiguity. "I suppose you could consider us partners," he concluded, leaving you slightly perplexed. Another piece of the puzzle fell into place. Had Black managed to recruit Zamasu for their nefarious plans? The involvement of a Kai in the annihilation of humanity would undoubtedly escalate the destruction to unimaginable levels.

Black's smirk widened, his eyes briefly closing in satisfaction. "Partners? Well, that just means you're our enemy," Goku declared, assuming a battle-ready stance. Finally, you tapped into your SSBlue power, matching Goku's readiness to fight. The odds were now three against two. Zamasu's smirk grew wider, while Black's eyes gleamed with anticipation, witnessing your newfound strength surpassing that of your future self. He relished the thought of slowly destroying you.

In the background, you could faintly hear Trunks and Vegeta, but Vegeta's previous encounter with Black had left him too injured to be of any immediate assistance. Suddenly, you sensed Vegeta's energy diminishing, and when you glanced back, you realized he had fallen unconscious due to his injuries. "Cannon fodder my ass," you muttered to yourself, recalling Vegeta's dismissive comment about you earlier. Refocusing on the three adversaries looming above you, you posed a question to Zamasu. "If you and Black are partners, Zamasu, then why is Chichi involved with you two?" you inquired, highlighting Chichi's unexpected association with the two men.

Zamasu's voice resonated with a chilling certainty. "Let's just say the woman had the right mindset when we embarked on our mission to eradicate the remaining mortals. However, if she fails to prove her usefulness, she will be swiftly eliminated." As Zamasu spoke, you noticed both he and Black glowering at Chichi. Surprisingly, Chichi appeared unfazed, sporting a slightly deranged smirk. Suppressing your disbelief, you muttered under your breath, "The right mindset? She's more than just a bloodthirsty psycho to stoop so low."

Zamasu regained his focus, his gaze piercing down at you and Goku. "It's almost time... The world I envision is on the brink of becoming a reality. A world of justice, as I desire." Goku interjected, seeking clarification. "What do you mean?" Zamasu's response was swift and resolute. "Humans are superfluous in a world governed by justice!"

"I won't let things unfold that way!" Goku's voice boomed as he intensified his SSBlue energy. Zamasu swiftly materialized a ki blade, ready to engage in battle. They charged at each other, leaving you to confront Black and ChiChi. It intrigued you to some extent, knowing that ChiChi possessed martial arts skills, although she lacked the ability to fly and engage in true combat. Assuming a defensive stance, you concluded that Black posed a greater threat to you than ChiChi ever could. Black smirked at your preparedness, ascending into the air. "Make it worth my while, woman. I will have my turn with Y/N regardless," he taunted before vanishing into the sky, heading towards the location where Zamasu and Goku had clashed.

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