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For the past three hours, you and Goku had embarked on an exhilarating training session filled with adrenaline. Initially, both of you had planned to train at home. However, a change of heart led you to a secluded and perilous location, ideal for pushing yourselves to the limit. Inspired by Whis, you aimed to help Goku attain the SSBlue Beast form.

In this desolate area, devoid of any population, you and Goku engaged in an intense game of tag. Goku, in his beastly form, relentlessly tried to power up to match your SSBlue Beast form, chasing and battling you with unwavering determination. The objective was for Goku to seize all the bells you carried, a feat he had only managed to accomplish twice in the past three hours. His mounting frustration was palpable, but you reveled in the challenge, effortlessly pushing him to his limits as you skillfully evaded his every move.

As a momentary lull settled upon the rugged terrain, you found yourself perched precariously on the jagged precipice of a mountain wall. Your tail, ablaze with a brilliant blue fire, swayed with untamed energy as you peered down at Goku below. He, too, appeared to be catching his breath, his fiery aura shifting from its vibrant orange hue to a deep, intense red. His gaze met yours, and a fierce determination burned in his eyes.

With a mischievous yet playful hiss, you taunted Goku, provoking a snarl in response. Suddenly, he made a swift motion with his hands, conjuring a blinding flash that momentarily obscured your vision. Shielding your face, you regained your senses just in time to find Goku lunging towards you, his speed and agility catching you off guard. Evading his grasp with nimble dexterity, you managed to elude his clutches, but your respite was short-lived.

In a swift and unexpected move, Goku seized your tail with a firm grip. The merging of your fiery auras caused a magnificent transformation, as the flames intertwined and transformed into a vibrant royal purple. The heat intensified, yet miraculously, neither of you suffered any harm, unlike the initial stages of your training.

As Goku's grip tightened around your tail, a surge of frustration and defiance coursed through your veins. Snarls and hisses escaped your lips, a testament to your determination to break free from his hold. However, a peculiar shift in the atmosphere caught your attention. Goku released his grip on your tail, instead encircling his arm around your midsection while his free hand firmly grasped your shoulder. His tail entwined with yours, creating an unexpected connection between the two of you.

With a primal grunt, Goku forcefully lowered you onto the mountain ledge, trapping you beneath him in a half Nelson hold. Your body writhed against his, your beastly instincts urging you to resist his dominance. The clash of your beast forms intensified, causing your hisses to grow more pronounced while Goku's growls reverberated through the air. As your energies began to synchronize, the vibrant royal purple of your auras gradually transformed into a mesmerizing pastel blue, crackling with electrifying energy.

A peculiar warmth enveloped your intertwined bodies, sending pleasurable sensations coursing through your nerves. Goku pressed himself closer against your back, intensifying the connection between you. Each touch ignited a cascade of pleasurable jolts, heightening the intensity of the moment.

In a sudden turn of events, your momentary lapse in focus allowed Goku to seize the hidden bells from you. The jingling sound snapped you back to attention, and you gasped, locking eyes with Goku. He released his hold on you, settling back on his heels with a mischievous grin adorning his face, undeterred by the flames of your beastly forms. Not only had he managed to defeat you and claim victory, but he had also achieved the SSBlue Beast form.

Both of you reverted to your regular base forms, the only sounds filling the air being the wild wind and the heavy panting of exertion. Goku's grin widened as you pouted, but before he could react, you swiftly turned and pounced on him, unleashing a torrent of angry words. "You jerk! That was a cheap tactic!" you shouted, your frustration evident. Goku burst into laughter, playfully wrestling with you while keeping the bells out of your reach. "You never said I couldn't! Besides, it wasn't easy. It took me over five hours just to get close to you!" he retorted, amusement lacing his voice.

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