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You arrived home with the gang, and to your surprise, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks decided to join in on the fun and spend a couple of weeks at your place with the rest of the Saiyans. It was an unexpected but exciting turn of events.

Living under the same roof with them was an absolute blast. However, reality hit, and you still had to fulfill your work responsibilities. Balancing work and play became your new challenge.

On one of the first few days, the entire crew showed up at your workplace, causing quite a stir among your coworkers and customers. The adorable duo, Goten and Trunks, stole the spotlight with their cuteness, while Gohan attracted attention from girls his age. It was amusing to watch him blush and politely decline their advances, mentioning that he already had a girlfriend.

As you served customers, you made sure to keep your tail neatly wrapped around your waist. It was impossible not to giggle at the sight of the group enjoying their meals and basking in the attention. The atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter.

Eventually, they bid their farewells, allowing you to focus on your work in peace. But not before Goku, in his mischievous nature, gave you a bear hug and showered you with kisses, playfully embarrassing you.

Once you finally had some time off, it was dedicated to intense training sessions with the guys. The teams were set: you, Vegeta, Turles, and Trunks against Bardock, Goku, Gohan, and Goten. The battles were exhilarating, filled with friendly competition and a desire to push each other to new limits.

Facing off against Bardock was particularly intriguing. As you sparred, you couldn't help but notice the similarities between your backgrounds. Both of you had experienced a life outside of the usual Saiyan antics. Bardock, like Turles in a way, had been involved in devastating other worlds for profit. However, his path took a turn when he rebelled against the royal family and Frieza after his squad was annihilated.

Surviving against all odds, Bardock was grateful for the second chance life had given him. During breaks in training, you shared stories about your childhood, growing up under the guidance of your uncle and embarking on your own adventures. But there was one detail that caught Bardock's attention.

"Your uncle was a smuggler," he remarked, his curiosity piqued.

Your jaw dropped in disbelief as Bardock's revelation caught you off guard, leaving you vulnerable to his swift attack. You found yourself on the ground, nursing a sprained shoulder, while Bardock landed gracefully beside you.

As he extended a hand to help you up, you couldn't help but cringe from the pain. With a shaky voice, you questioned Bardock, desperately seeking clarification. "What do you mean he was a smuggler, Bardock?"

Bardock let out a soft grunt, his expression serious. "That's exactly what I mean. Did he often have numerous bulky boxes coming and going from your household?"

You nodded innocently, still trying to process the shocking revelation. "Yeah, but I always thought he was just helping people move things... I never suspected anything more."

Bardock's gaze softened slightly, understanding the confusion in your eyes. "Sometimes things aren't what they seem, kid. Your uncle had his reasons, just like I did. We all have our pasts."

You couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, a combination of surprise, curiosity, and a newfound understanding. It seemed that even within the Saiyan community, there were hidden layers and untold stories waiting to be unraveled.

Bardock playfully tousles your hair, his attention momentarily diverted towards the ongoing battle. Sensing your unease, you cautiously inquire about any other surprising details you might have inadvertently revealed.

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