72 🌸lemon/fluff/family moments🌸

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(A/N: more filler before the tournament begins, it's just until I can get time to watch the episodes and everything. Chapter is optional)

As you and Goku embarked on an unexpected honeymoon, orchestrated by the women of the family to recover from the chaos of the future timeline, the rest of the family found themselves left to their own devices.

In the comfort of the Briefs Home, Solara eagerly began her training under the watchful eye of Vegeta. Goten and Trunks joined in, engaging in a friendly sparring session of their own. While the young boys honed their skills against each other, Solara had the privilege of training alongside the prince himself. Despite her tender age of only five, Vegeta wasted no time in introducing her to the rigorous training that full-blooded Saiyan children would effortlessly conquer. Solara's tail wagged with joy as she mimicked her uncle's every move, determined to perform push-ups just as flawlessly. Surpassing the fifty mark, she pushed herself further, while Vegeta, with his immense strength, effortlessly surpassed the three-hundred mark, all the while adjusting his pace to accommodate Solara's progress. Deep within Vegeta's mind, a faint curiosity arose as he detected a subtle change in Bulma's scent, but he dismissed it, focusing solely on his niece's training.

In the cozy confines of the Satan household, Hercules and Buu took on the responsibility of babysitting the two adorable baby girls while Videl and Gohan ventured out for a grocery run. Pan, nearing her second birthday, squealed with delight as Hercules entertained her with silly faces and a playful rattle. Meanwhile, Gina, who was around the same age, cooed sweetly at Buu, the lovable pink monster instantly forming a bond with her as she gazed at him in awe, her smile melting his heart. "Buu like baby! What Baby name again?" Buu inquired aloud, prompting a grin from Hercules. "Her name is Gina, Buu." Hercules attempted to make silly faces for Gina as well, but Buu playfully shielded her from his antics. "No, Buu make silly faces for Gina!" Hercules chuckled nervously and allowed Buu to take over, witnessing the sheer joy on Gina's face as Buu's silly expressions elicited laughter from her. However, Hercules had to intervene to ensure Buu didn't get carried away, reminding him that Pan and Gina were still delicate and not ready for any rough play. Buu, understanding the importance of gentleness, became extra cautious with the young Saiyan toddler, showering her with tender care.

In the tranquil setting of Calalo's residence, she found herself captivated by the sight of Bardock training in the backyard. Her own tasks were momentarily forgotten as she watched the seasoned male Saiyan with a dreamy expression in her eyes. Bardock's decision to train shirtless only added to her distraction, as he typically donned the traditional Saiyan armor. However, she understood that he was pushing his limits despite the colder weather. To her amazement, Bardock effortlessly completed over two thousand sets of sit-ups, push-ups, and various other exercises, even incorporating additional weights, all while barely breaking a sweat since he began early that morning. Saiyan men truly possessed an extraordinary level of strength and endurance.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in Calalo's mind, prompting her to disappear into the depths of the house. Bardock remained focused on his fifth set of singular handstands, unaware of her presence until Calalo closed the sliding door, causing him to look up in surprise. His eyes widened, and his face flushed with poorly hidden arousal. Calalo, wearing a training outfit with her hair neatly pulled back into a bun, greeted him with an innocent smile, her hands hidden behind her back. "Can I join you?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity and a hint of excitement.

Bardock stumbled over his words, trying to regain his composure as Calalo approached him. He rubbed his neck nervously and averted his gaze, feeling overwhelmed by her captivating beauty. "Sure, whatever," he managed to say, attempting to sound dismissive. However, when Calalo beamed at him and began her stretches, Bardock found himself unable to tear his eyes away from her alluring curves and graceful posture.

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