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Once you had roused from your slumber and replenished your body with a much-needed meal, albeit cautiously due to your prolonged state of emaciation, you found yourself comfortably seated on Goku's lap. Engaged in a deep conversation, the group consisted of Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Mai, and yourself. Gratefully, Bulma had foreseen the need and provided a capsule filled with spare clothing for everyone, including replacements for you and the other male Saiyans.

Goku's arm remained securely wrapped around your waist, not out of possessiveness, but rather as a gentle support to keep you steady. Your strength had not fully returned, and he was keen on ensuring your well-being. The topic at hand revolved around devising a strategy to vanquish the formidable duo of Black and Zamasu. However, you couldn't help but feel a sense of weariness creeping over you.

"I can't help but wonder if my efforts against Black only made him more resilient," you uttered solemnly, your voice tinged with a hint of self-doubt. Vegeta, never one to mince words, scoffed dismissively. "Sure, you may have bolstered his physical strength, but that imposter will never grasp the true essence of true power."

As Vegeta's words sank in, you found yourself easing into a sense of acceptance. Understanding his perspective, you nodded in agreement and placed a comforting hand over Goku's arm. Gathering your thoughts, you spoke up once more, seeking clarification. "So, we'll be forming teams of two to confront them, right? Or is there another plan in mind?" However, before you could finish your sentence, Vegeta interjected with a stern tone. "You won't be doing anything. Your current state of weakness prohibits you from engaging in battle. You'll remain here." His words hit you like a blow, and you bit your tongue, sensing the same sentiment reflected in the eyes of the others.

"But..." you began, only to feel Goku gently hold your hand, his touch offering reassurance. "Y/N, your body isn't prepared to face them just yet. I'd rather have you hidden away, knowing you're safe, than risking another close call. It's for the best," Goku spoke softly, his words aimed at soothing your disappointment. Reluctantly, you nodded and let out a sigh, realizing that arguing would only be futile in the face of a valid point.

As Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta ventured out to confront Zamasu and Black once more, their determined energy fading into the distance, you found yourself left behind with Mai and the other civilians. A sense of unease settled within you as you silently prayed for their success, hoping that this time they would be able to defeat Black and Zamasu and save this bleak future.

Meanwhile, outside the safety of the hideout, a tense conversation unfolded between the two opposing sides. Goku presented his theory, suggesting that Black was merely a copy of himself. However, to the astonishment of the three Saiyans, Black responded with a sinister smirk, revealing a much darker truth. "The body may be Son Goku's, but the soul within belongs to Zamasu." The revelation sent a chill down their spines, as Black disclosed that the first wish made on the Super Dragon Balls was to execute a body switch. He went on to confess that once their bodies had been swapped, he mercilessly killed Goku using his own stolen vessel.

As Goku pressed further, questioning the identity of the other Zamasu, a chilling revelation unfolded. Zamasu's smirk widened as he confidently declared himself to be the Zamasu of this desolate future, while Black was the Zamasu from the past. Black elaborated, admitting that he was the one who suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Goku, an event that set these catastrophic events into motion. "But I witnessed your destruction by Beerus!" Goku protested, his confusion evident. However, Black's smirk only grew wider as he raised his hand, revealing the time ring adorning his finger. "None of that which happens in the past matters, for I possess this," he retorted, emphasizing the significance of the time ring.

Back within the hideout, Mai assured you that she would return and left with Yajirobe to observe the unfolding events outside. Left alone, you leaned against the wall, clenching your fists, a deep frown etched on your face as you sensed the intense energies emanating from the battle. However, your attention was abruptly diverted as a young child timidly gripped onto your shirt. Startled, you looked down, your expression softening at the sight of the young toddler. In that moment, a wave of longing washed over you, as you couldn't help but miss your own children back home.

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