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In Calalo's slightly larger and fenced-in backyard, you found yourself in a state of pure relaxation. The atmosphere was somehow far more inviting than Bulma's(mainly due to a change from the usual settings), with the air filled with joyful conversations and a comforting warmth.

Amidst the gathering, Beerus and Whis couldn't help but express their utmost admiration for the oxen tail stew that Calalo had dedicated hours to prepare. Their compliments echoed loudly, resonating with the appreciation felt by everyone present.

However, there was a secret behind this particular stew, a reason why it was reserved for special occasions only. Consuming it proved to be a captivating experience, leaving you both satisfied and craving for more, even when your stomach was already full.

Those who were not Saiyans or blessed with bottomless appetites could feel the irresistible allure of the stew. They found themselves compelled to stop after devouring a mere ten to twenty pieces of the delectable, bite-sized meat.

Amidst the compliments for the stew, there were also sweet rolls and sticky yellow rice with red beans, serving as perfect accompaniments to soak up the flavorful juices. Cold drinks added a refreshing touch to the meal.

From your vantage point, you observed the gathering with a gentle gaze, briefly glancing over at Goku. It warmed your heart to see him back to his usual sociable self, mingling with his family. Surprisingly, he even seemed to tolerate Turles, who appeared more relaxed despite the recent incident that had triggered Goku's rage.

It was a relief to witness them on neutral terms.

Taking advantage of the moment, you slipped away unnoticed and made your way into the house. Or so you thought.

Seeking a moment of respite, you headed upstairs to your old room. Settling onto the bed, you lovingly rested a hand on your stomach, taking a brief pause to collect yourself.

However, your tranquility was interrupted by approaching footsteps. Opening your eyes, you saw Calalo walking towards you, a thick book clutched in her hand.

Seating herself gently beside you, Calalo observed as your tail swayed comfortably behind you, a serene smile gracing her lips. "How are both of you feeling?"

You let out a soft sigh, returning her smile. "We're fine. We've both calmed down now, so things should remain peaceful at least until the tournament."

Calalo hummed softly, her gaze briefly shifting to the hand you still had resting on your stomach. However, she didn't comment on it, instead presenting the book she held in her hands. "It's been quite some time since we looked through this together."

Your eyes widened as you realized that it was Calalo's oldest family photo album, a massive tome filled with memories. "No way..." you whispered, carefully accepting the album from her and opening it. The first twenty pages were filled with images of Calalo and Suiji growing up together, a diverse array of humanoid hares and regular humans captured in moments of pure happiness.

Calalo's smile widened as she saw her younger self alongside your uncle in a few of the photographs.

"You know, your uncle was quite the rebellious intellectual during his teenage years," Calalo shared, her voice filled with nostalgia. "When he first started getting involved with people from other planets, I thought it was just a phase. But then he disappeared for over a decade."

Her words brought a soft smile to your face, but it quickly turned into a playful expression as you sensed the faintest trace of Goku's ki behind you. Rolling your eyes, you gently nudged him in the ribs the moment he used instant transmission to appear behind you, causing him to wince before grinning sheepishly.

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