61 (mild mention of lemon)

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As the next day came and progressed, Bulma and the Pilaf gang were hard at work fixing the time machine, utilizing Future Bulma's notebook to guide them. Meanwhile, the rest of you gathered outside in the backyard, enjoying the pleasant weather. You sat cross-legged on the ground, with Gina happily occupied with plastic shapes on rings, sitting in your lap. Solara, Goten, and young Trunks were engrossed in a game of hide and seek, their laughter and excitement filling the air.

Across the yard, the older male Saiyans stood together. Goku, Vegeta, Bardock, and Turles formed a formidable yet peaceful presence, while Calalo and Ristetta stood parallel to them, facing them. From your vantage point on the ground, you observed the scene, wondering when Calalo and Ristetta would show their transformations.

Beside you, Future Trunks sat down, his presence bringing a sense of calm. He spoke softly, catching your attention. "Hey," he began, his voice filled with a mix of warmth and contemplation. You turned to him, offering a kind smile. Future Trunks was close to your height, perhaps half an inch taller, and his serious expression hinted at deeper thoughts.

"Hey, yourself," you replied gently. "Did you see Gohan and Videl already?" you inquired, curious about his interactions with his mentor and his mentor's partner. Future Trunks nodded, a light smile gracing his lips, but his eyes held a hint of solemnity. "Yeah," he responded, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and gratitude. "I'm glad to see my mentor so happy here."

You give Trunks a nod, glancing back over to the group of Saiyans and Bunny Women. They were all talking together, and Calalo seemed a bit embarrassed as she slightly hid her face with one hand away from Bardock, Ristetta chuckling at her demeanor. "Hey, Trunks.. How exactly did I die to Black?" You ask softly yet suddenly.

Trunks tenses up at your sudden question, visibly uncomfortable with the memories that resurface. He avoids making eye contact, his gaze shifting to the ground as he fidgets with the blades of grass. "I... I don't know if it's such a good idea to talk about... that," he whispers, his voice filled with hesitation.

You shrug, understanding his reluctance but still determined to gain insight into your past encounter with Black. You look down at Gina, who continues to play with the rings in her hands, her innocent joy serving as a reminder of the importance of being prepared. "I just feel like it's better to know how he did it, you know? So I can be prepared for it, or at least try to predict his movements," you explain, turning your head to face Trunks directly.

Trunks is taken aback by your response, a lump forming in his throat as his face pales even further. The weight of the memories and the fear associated with them are evident in his reaction. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself before finally meeting your gaze. "He... Black... he slit your throat, in front of me," he reveals, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and anger.

The words hang in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in. You feel a chill run down your spine as the reality of the brutal attack hits you. It's a painful revelation, but it also fuels your determination to be prepared and to protect yourself and those you care about.

You take a moment to process the information, the silence stretching between you and Trunks. Eventually, you reach out and place a comforting hand on Trunks's arm, offering him a reassuring smile. "Thank you for sharing that with me," you say softly. "I know it wasn't easy, but it means a lot to me. We'll face Black together, and this time, we'll be prepared."

Trunks nods, a mixture of gratitude and determination in his eyes. The bond between you strengthens as you both acknowledge the challenges ahead. You take a deep breath, ready to face whatever comes your way, knowing that you have the support of your friends and loved ones by your side.

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