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(one more filler chapter before I get back to the group actually fighting, just adding stuff before I rewatch the next episode.)

You gradually regained consciousness, accompanied by a deep groan resonating from within. Your body felt sore, muscles aching, and hunger gnawing at your stomach. A profound resentment towards the two men who held you captive simmered within you. Taking a moment to gather yourself, you managed to sit up, the distant rumble of thunder echoing outside as raindrops tapped against the windowpane. Casting a wary glance outside, you felt a wave of relief wash over you as the menacing figure of green was nowhere to be seen. Your attention then shifted towards the bedroom door, straining your ears for any signs of movement or conversation. Silence prevailed. Surveying your surroundings, you noticed a neatly folded pile of clothes nearby. Glancing down at your own naked form, embarrassment flushed your cheeks, yet the realization that nothing untoward had occurred brought a quiet sigh of relief. Carefully, you rose from the bed, gingerly slipping into the clothes provided, though a grimace formed on your face as another thought crossed your mind. It was evident that the gi belonged to Black, but it had been tailored to fit ChiChi's size.

Gradually, the realization of ChiChi's demise settled within you, creating a complex mix of emotions. On one hand, relief washed over you, knowing that you would never have to deal with her presence in this timeline again. On the other hand, the clothes you wore not only belonged to the deceased woman but were also a match for Black's attire. Gnawing on your bottom lip, you sought solace by wrapping your tail around your waist, attempting to calm your frayed nerves. However, your mind quickly shifted to Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta. Had they returned? Were they searching for you? Or were they currently engaged in a fierce battle against Black and Zamasu in the city while you remained confined within this secluded cabin? The distance between the cabin and the city remained a mystery, leaving you with a sense of unease.

Attempting to sense any nearby energies, your head spun, and your stomach growled with hunger, forcing you to abandon the endeavor. Food became an urgent necessity, as a Saiyan who had endured much already, surviving solely on sleep.

Just as these thoughts consumed your mind, the sound of approaching footsteps reached your ears.

As the door swung open, you braced yourself for another potential confrontation, uncertain if it would lead to another battle or perhaps even your demise. However, what greeted you was far from what you expected.

Black stood before you, holding a tray adorned with a cup of steaming tea and a peculiar arrangement of cooked vegetables and meat. The food was neatly presented on the plate, but lacked any appetizing appeal.

"Stay calm," Black uttered, placing the tray gently on the bed while his dark eyes remained fixed on you. "You're even more pitiful than before, incapable of posing a threat to anyone." His smirk elicited a frown from you as you observed him warily. The thought crossed your mind that he may have poisoned the food.

"I haven't poisoned it, just eat," Black stated matter-of-factly before leaving the room.

You settled yourself down slowly, fixating your gaze on the food before you, contemplating its contents in silence. With caution, you reached for the cup of tea, bringing it closer to your nose for a gentle sniff. The aroma of "Caramel Vanilla Black Tea" wafted towards you, triggering a moment of recognition. This was your go-to stress-relief tea, and the realization that Black had provided it to you sent a chill down your spine.

Turning your attention to the food, you noticed the presence of cherry tomatoes, butter lettuce, and a slightly charred piece of meat. Despite your initial inclination to ignore the meal entirely, your Saiyan instincts urged you to consume it. Reluctantly, you began to eat, taking deliberate bites to make the food last. However, it failed to satiate your true hunger, serving merely as a meager snack.

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