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Today marked yet another day of leisure for all of you. It had been a solid two months since the ChiChi incident, and life seemed to have returned to its normal rhythm. Well, almost normal.

The only downside was the noticeable decline in your training regimen. However, this decision wasn't entirely yours to make. Bulma and Calalo were the main culprits behind your reduced training sessions with Goku and Vegeta. Their intention was for you to relax and embrace your newfound role as a mother, prioritizing family bonding over intense training.

Not that you were complaining, of course. Sneaking off with Goku for some training sessions became a regular occurrence for you. You had grown accustomed to the absence of your tail, gradually regaining your balance. Nevertheless, you both had to be cautious and limit the duration of your training sessions to avoid any trouble.

As you sparred with Goku, you found yourself successfully parrying and countering his attacks around 87 percent of the time. However, your own hits seemed to land only at a rate of 76 percent. It was evident that you needed to establish a consistent routine once again.

Gasping for breath, you found yourself sprawled in a deep crater, your clothes in tatters from the fierce battle with Goku. Exhaustion weighed heavily on you, evident in your heavy panting.

Goku cautiously descended into the ten-foot-deep pit, a sheepish grin on his face as he extended a helping hand. "Sorry, Y/N. I underestimated the force of that attack."

Opening one eye, you peered up at Goku and let out a weary sigh. "I thought I could block it too, but you're just on a whole different level of strength, even when you're holding back."

Goku pulled you up, cradling you in his arms like a bride, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "Don't sell yourself short. I was actually breaking a sweat trying to keep up with you."

Your cheeks flushed, a smile tugging at your lips as Goku levitated out of the crater, gently placing you back on your feet.

You glanced at Goku, a fond expression on your face as you brushed away a smudge of dirt from his cheek. "Well, I haven't managed to take you down yet, so... Wait, what time is it?" The realization struck you suddenly, the absence of the timer's signal dawning on you.

Both of you frantically searched for the remnants of the destroyed timer, panic coursing through your veins. Goku, thinking on his feet, grabbed your hand and activated instant transmission, whisking you both back home for a quick cleanup and change of clothes before heading to Calalo's.

Unfortunately, you arrived three hours late, and Calalo greeted you with a stern glare. The feeling of being scolded like misbehaving children made you and Goku shift nervously on your feet.

Calalo let out a sigh, shaking her head in disappointment. "Honestly, you two are so stubborn. Thankfully, all the kids are napping, so here's what I want you to do: help me make winter peach jam."

A weary sigh escaped your lips at the thought of the laborious task ahead. Goku, on the other hand, seemed genuinely excited. "Winter peach jam?"

Calalo's smile brightened, but Goku's enthusiasm quickly deflated as soon as he was assigned the meticulous task of pitting the peaches in a specific manner.

Goku suppressed a whine, shooting a pleading glance in your direction as you took charge of peeling and slicing the pitted peaches. "Wanna switch?" he whispered, a hint of desperation in his voice. You couldn't help but smile, shaking your head. "You're the one who enjoys a challenge, mister. There are only about... forty-five more to go," you teased, gesturing towards the remaining buckets of harvested fruit.

Goku let out a loud whine this time, pouting as he painstakingly separated the pits from the peaches, careful not to splinter or break them.

Just then, Calalo entered the kitchen, carrying some large mason jars, with Bardock following closely behind, effortlessly carrying the majority of the heavier jars.

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