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As you and Goku ventured in one direction to find Jiren, Turles set off on his own path to seek out more opponents. However, your progress was abruptly halted when you were summoned to a stage-like area by a group of women from Universe 2. Initially confused, Goku speculated aloud whether the three women perched high above on a pillar were about to undergo a transformation. You observed each of the women who had called for an audience, but before they could complete their transformation, they were unexpectedly struck by a powerful ki blast from Android 17. Suppressing your laughter, you covered your mouth, realizing that 17 was right—they had left themselves wide open. To your amusement, the three women rushed towards 17, complaining about his interference. Toppo, with his magnificent mustache, joined them to reprimand 17 as well. The situation quickly turned into a comedic spectacle, and you couldn't help but find it amusing. 17 simply gestured for the women to continue their transformation, and they obliged.

As the trio from Universe 2 completed their transformation, you couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and acceptance. Their Goddess of Destruction claimed that their love surpassed all others in the universe, though you couldn't help but mentally disagree. "Hmph," you grumbled, hearing a scoff from both Bardock and Vegeta who were nearby, now at ground level as well. You wondered where the rest of your group was scattered around the arena, but at least you were all still in the game.

Goku assumed a ready fighting stance, a smirk on his face. "Show us what you've got," he challenged the trio above. And show you, they did.

The leader, Brianne, unleashed an attack that made you raise an eyebrow. "Is this some kind of Valentine's Day special?" you quipped, deftly dodging the giant heart-shaped ki blasts that scattered in all directions. Along with these attacks came thick pink smoke, which seemed to have an effect on the weak-hearted and single participants in the tournament. The scent itself was semi-sweet.

Fortunately, all the Saiyans from your universe were already mated, which meant they were immune to the effects of the pink scent. This spared them from any potential repercussions.

After enduring a minute of overwhelming pink overload, Vegeta's impatience got the better of him, and he launched an attack at Brianne. The fighting resumed with full force, with Vegeta facing off against the first maiden, Goku against the second, and Android 17 against the third. You were close enough to witness 17's battle with the wildcat-like opponent, and he almost managed to knock her out of bounds before she received assistance from a winged warrior from her universe, which in turn sent him down hard into the arena, a crater under his body. Approaching 17, you offered your help despite the limited acquaintance between you. "Need a hand, 17? We may not know each other well, but I'm here to lend support," you offered. 17 simply lifted himself up, his calm demeanor intact. "Go ahead and give it your all, crazy lady. It's about time I got serious anyway," he teased, his tone light. You snorted in response before swiftly engaging the winged warrior, determined to assist 17 in the battle.

With a surge of power, you transformed into Super Saiyan 2 and swiftly dealt a powerful blow to the female flyer, knocking her out of bounds and effectively eliminating her from the tournament. As the wildcat lady attempted to retaliate, you stepped aside, but Android 17 swiftly intervened, taking care of her before she could pose a threat. You smiled, powering down and feeling grateful for 17's assistance, silently acknowledging that you owed him one.

Returning to Goku's side, you noticed that his opponent had fled after her partner was eliminated. Your arms crossed, you remarked, "We're really thinning out the competition, aren't we?" Goku chuckled in response. "Seems like it! But I still want a chance to fight Jiren," he expressed with innocent excitement. You smiled at his enthusiasm before both of you turned your attention to 17 as he descended. "You're hiding a lot more power, aren't you?" Goku inquired, curious about 17's capabilities.

As the first maiden expressed her anger towards you and 17 for eliminating her fellow maidens, 17 took it upon himself to face Rebrianne, earning the nickname "warrior of darkness" from her before their battle commenced.

Meanwhile, Goku's previous opponent returned seeking revenge. You offered to assist him, but he grinned and reassured you, "I've got this one." You nodded and smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Enjoy yourself," you encouraged, purposefully displaying your affection in front of the maiden warriors. Without lingering, you swiftly sought out another opponent to engage in battle.

As the fights raged on, you caught sight of Bardock and Turles successfully defeating the last two warriors from Universe 10, resulting in the erasure of their universe. A tense silence hung in the air momentarily, but the battles continued. Seeking cover behind a fallen piece of debris, you suddenly found yourself grabbed and forcefully slammed against the hard rock slab.

Your initial instinct was to immediately engage in combat, but your attention was forcibly drawn to Frieza as his cold, red eyes locked with yours, his fingers gripping your chin tightly. "Do relax, monkey. We are not currently rivals," Frieza taunted. You growled in response, attempting to bite his hand, but he swiftly withdrew it, his smirk widening. "Such a temper," he remarked. "What do you want, Frieza?" you snapped, not in the mood to deal with him.

Frieza chuckled, his tail swaying behind him. "Can we not have a civilized chat for a few minutes? Surely that would be acceptable," he suggested, turning away from you slightly. You crossed your arms, glaring at him. "It depends on the topic," you replied cautiously, well aware of the need to be cautious around Frieza, not that you trusted him.

Frieza smirked, his gaze shifting away. "It's a simple request. If our universe emerges victorious, I want you to be the one to wish me back with the Dragon Balls," he explained, leaving you puzzled. "Why does it matter if I make the wish? Wouldn't it work for anyone who wishes you back?" you questioned, trying to make sense of his request.

Frieza hummed, seemingly pondering in a mocking manner. "While that may be true, I simply prefer it to be someone who hasn't had the opportunity to despise me completely," he explained, leaving you even more perplexed. As you considered his intentions, you couldn't help but find Frieza to be a peculiar tyrant lizard. "Fine, but don't be surprised if I call you every name except your own, you jackass," you retorted. Frieza looked at you, his gaze slowly scanning over you with a smirk. "As long as it comes from you, I couldn't care less how you say it," he replied, chuckling behind his hand before leaving you standing there, flabbergasted and slightly unnerved. What was that all about?

Unbeknownst to you, Frieza's true intention was to have some fun by taunting the other Saiyans. He wanted you, Goku's beloved wife, to be the one to wish him back in the future. It was a petty act of gaslighting, a way to get under Goku's skin. The tyrant lord found the idea tantalizing, relishing in his own pettiness.

Thirty-seven minutes left to go of this tournament. Just what would happen before it was all over?

(A/N: slight episode and filler mix, and an extra chapter to read too for the night. As you can tell, I have plans forming for Frieza in the future, but for what they are, we'll get to that when the situation has arisen.)

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