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Lie #1: "If Goku really cares enough about you to leave his family for you, then he'd be here with you before the sun rises tomorrow morning. But I wouldn't hold my breath, Goku loves his boys way too much."


Lie #2: "Y/N decided that it would be easier to leave while you were asleep. She said that saying goodbye would be too hard and she would start to regret taking a chance. But she said that she'd visit once she found a place to settle down in."


It had been six good months since you had abruptly left since that morning. Your heart had been heavy already, but ChiChi had suddenly come back to give you an ultimatum. If Goku really loved you, then she would accept him leaving with you.

But... He never showed up. You even went up the hill to see if he was there, and your world broke when Chi-Chi confidently showed you both Goku and Goten completely asleep, comfortably in the living room of their house.

You knew then, that you had to go. That your relationship with Goku was nothing more than an outlet, even if he had denied it before. Part of you screamed that he'd never lie to you like that, but the realistic side of you kept your eyes on the Saiyan sleeping so well, without a care in the world.

You... You accepted your loss, but you knew you needed to make sure to sever the ties too. Because once Goku realized you were gone, you knew he'd locate you as quickly as possible to play with your heart even more and make you forgive him.

And knowing yourself, you would easily do so.

With the capsules you had from Bulma, packing up your items was easy, but having to keep your energy as low as possible was the hardest thing to do.

You managed to do it, though, and you made sure that you were far away from everyone else. You couldn't go to anyone else for this, this was your own problem. It was your personal mistake for getting tangled up in this mess.

It was your fault for confessing your love to Goku, and letting him love you.. Or at least fooling yourself enough to think that he'd ever love you that much.


You had easily settled into a small town that was at least a thousand miles away from West City alone. With the money you still had, you were able to get a new name for yourself, with all the essentials that you needed to basically be government approved.

You got a small house, one much tinier than your other one but in a convenient enough spot that you could go back and forth through the town without needing a vehicle. The hardest thing was working a real job, but you were managing as a cafe waitress well enough.

Fake smiles, those were becoming permanent while you worked. Fake happy interactions with the locals were also there. You were just going through the motions. And when you got home, everything that was bottled out came out in muffled sobs. Sometimes you'd get a sore throat and have puffy eyes, but light touches of makeup did wonders, you found out.

You had also changed your hairstyle, trying to make yourself anew. You stopped wearing overly baggy clothing, but light and casual still stayed. You'd never switch your converses out, though.

As for fighting... You did the barest of the minimums, whatever wouldn't spike your energy. You had to come to terms with that. No flying either, and especially nothing ki blast related.

You adjusted to it. You slowly stopped crying, you got used to making single meals instead of accidentally overdoing it out of habit, you focused on just.. living.

It wasn't all bad, though. You managed to make one good friend, at least. A little, and literal, red raccoon panda that had decided to take up space in your bedroom. At first you were worried about it being rabid or something, but the most he did was act like a cat with opposable thumbs. He was also fluffy, and his black ringed tail could wrap around his own body twice with how big it was.

You called him Ryun.

---on the other side, 1000 miles away---

Goku's usual perky attitude had decreased greatly. Even though he continued to fight and train, his giddiness, his smile, his optimism, it was all but there anymore.

Everyone had noticed this, and everyone knew why. With your sudden departure without saying anything, a lot of the gang was upset. Especially Goten and Trunks, Gohan, Bulma, and even Vegeta. Because an affected Kakarot meant an affected training opponent.

Goku would take a lot of time trying to sense for your energy, taking off at any inkling that he might have felt when he sensed it, but it would always leave too soon, and he'd sit for hours where he was, just to try and find it again.

He silently questioned why you had gone, where you had left off to, and what made you decide to.

The only one who seemed to not mind it was Chi-Chi, which was a red flag to everyone else. But when she was asked if she knew anything, she denied it and said that you were probably just doing what you thought was best for yourself.

All the while, Goku knew that ChiChi had something else going on, but he couldn't call her on it, not unless he could find proof. He didn't know how to end their marriage either, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to. He would stay in your house at night, and sometimes so would Goten. Your essence, the memories you shared with them there, it was still in the air. And knowing how much Goten was hurting like he was, it made Goku more determined to find you, some kind of way...

But, four months after you had 'left', your house and most of the trees caught fire while they weren't there. But ChiChi had been, and she only called Bulma after the house was already heavily engulfed.

That had nearly pushed Goku completely over the edge. Not into rage, but into a severe depression.
He had helped build that house, after all. And helped with moving you in. And now... It was gone.

Bulma couldn't stand it, and she was determined to help find you through some research on new civilians moving into the city or country, in every region.

And as the world's smartest and richest scientist, she could find what she needed, when she wanted to.


You had just finished up after a long and trying day at work, sighing heavily to yourself after you were the one in charge of closing up shop and locking up. You walked home slowly, ready to get off of your feet and just sleep another sleepless dream.

As you unlocked your front door and walked into your house, you put your apron on the couch and slid off your shoes. Ryun came trotting over to you quickly, making a cute little noise as you picked him up. "Hey, Ryun. Don't worry, I'll make some dinner after I get changed. I've got the day off tomorrow, which means you can eat all the grapes you want."

Swaying his tail happily, Ryun made a few chirping sounds before jumping out of your arms and getting comfy on the little couch you had.

Smiling tiredly, you go into your room. Not bothering to close the door behind yourself, you undress down to just a tank top and shorts, rubbing your back tiredly. The second you turn around to head to the kitchen however, you halt in your tracks, your eyes slowly going wide.

Standing in front of your doorway, with wide eyes himself, Goku slowly lowers his fingers from his temple, staring straight at you.

And you stare straight back at him.

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