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Just a few days had passed since the incident, yet Goku's protective instincts were on high alert, surpassing any mere understatement. His focus was unwavering, especially when it came to Solara and Gina, but even more so when it concerned you.

Throughout the day, Goku maintained his usual demeanor, engaging in training sessions with Vegeta, Piccolo, or Bardock, relishing in the meals prepared, and cherishing moments spent with all the children. But as night fell and tranquility settled in the air, a different side of Goku emerged.

In the depths of slumber, Goku would abruptly awaken, drenched in a cold sweat or startled awake, his first instinct to ensure your presence beside him. Nightmares plagued his mind, a logical consequence of recent events, yet he found himself unable to shake off their haunting grip. The fear of losing you consumed him, leaving him in a constant state of paranoia.

Goku observed your peaceful slumber, careful not to disturb you as he sat up. His eyes traced the contours of your body, draped in a loose-fitting T-shirt and shorts, his gaze lingering on the spot where your Saiyan tail once resided.

He couldn't help but notice the persistent soreness you experienced after losing your tail, a discomfort that surpassed his own, as well as Gohan's and Vegeta's. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps it was because you were female, and the pain lingered. The mere idea troubled him, as he couldn't bear the thought of Solara and Gina enduring the same agony if their tails were ever taken away. What troubled him even more was the fact that, like you, they showed no reaction to the full moon.

Various bruises still adorned your skin, remnants of the ordeal you had endured during your kidnapping. Some were more pronounced and unsightly than others, serving as painful reminders of the beatings you had gone through without being able to fight back.

Goku's gaze dropped, burdened by a heavy sense of guilt. He blamed himself for not finding you sooner, feeling that he was never quick enough to come to your aid when you needed him the most. It seemed that he could never reach you before the damage was done. Yet, despite his self-blame, you never held him accountable for his perceived lateness.

With utmost care, Goku slipped out of bed, his footsteps barely audible as he made his way to check on the children.

In the other room, Goten lay fast asleep, his baby sisters Solara and Gina peacefully slumbering beside him. Solara had her tail wrapped around his leg, holding one of his hands. Gina rested soundly in her crib, a pacifier soothingly nestled in her mouth.

Taking a moment to find solace in their peaceful state, Goku ventured outside to engage in a rigorous training session, hoping to exhaust himself enough to achieve dreamless sleep later.

As he unleashed powerful punches and swift kicks into the air, Goku's mind became consumed by his thoughts. Every single one revolved around you, his guilt fueling his strikes. However, when the image of ChiChi's face crossed his mind, a scowl etched itself onto his features.

ChiChi had appeared so elated to see him, oblivious to the fact that she had subjected you to torment throughout that time. Goku couldn't shake the anger that welled up within him, knowing that if given the chance, ChiChi would have undoubtedly harmed the girls as well.

A low growl escaped Goku's lips, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. How could he have ever been involved with someone like ChiChi?

As Goku continued his intense training, his mind wandered through the complexities of his past relationships. He had a knack for befriending individuals with questionable backgrounds, yet many of them had undergone positive transformations through their association with him. Tien, Yamcha, Piccolo, Vegeta, and even Turles had all changed for the better, hadn't they?

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