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(The chapter after this will bring the story back on track, I'm just having fun with fillers.)

The time machine was on the verge of being fully operational, just two days away. Today, you found yourself training alongside Future Trunks, with Vegeta and Goku observing from the sidelines. As Trunks engaged you in combat, he quickly realized that you were no pushover. It became evident that defeating Black would be much easier with the combined strength of the four of you. Trunks was determined to avenge the countless lives lost at the hands of Black in the future.

In a display of agility, Trunks skillfully dodged one of your attacks. However, caught off guard by your sudden kick, he had to swiftly block to avoid being overwhelmed. The impact sent him crashing into the ground with a resounding thud. Witnessing the force of your blow, you winced, your tail unraveled and swayed nervously. "Are you alright?" you called down to Trunks, concern evident in your voice. He quickly regained his footing, unsheathing his sword. "I'm fine!" he shouted back, determination gleaming in his eyes as he rushed towards you, ready to retaliate.

You swiftly retracted your tail, ensuring it was securely wrapped around your waist as you deftly evaded Trunks' sword swing. In response, you conjured a sword made of your own ki, determined to keep the fight on equal footing. The clash between you and Trunks continued, capturing the attention of Vegeta and Goku who engaged in a conversation while observing.

"I have no doubt that Y/N can handle Black on her own when we reach the future," Goku expressed confidently. Vegeta, however, scoffed at his words. "Kakarot, you fail to grasp the situation. Your woman shouldn't intervene unless we find ourselves overwhelmed," he retorted, causing Goku to look at him with curiosity. "What do you mean?" Goku inquired, prompting Vegeta to respond swiftly. "Between the two of us, Black should pose no significant threat. Y/N's presence is merely an unnecessary addition. Besides, once we arrive, I will be the one to face Black first. If he's as foolish as you, victory will come easily."

Goku's grin widens as he directs his gaze towards you. "Still, it'll be a great match between Y/N and Black. If he's anything like me, Y/N will be able to take him down just from looking into his eyes or something."

Vegeta scowls at Goku's words, his irritation evident. "Do you even comprehend how absurd you sound, Kakarot? It won't transpire that way unless you plan on witnessing Y/N and Black engaging in a romantic affair right before your eyes!" Goku stiffens, his laughter fading into a sheepish expression. "Oh, right. But you know what I meant."

Vegeta closes his eyes, taking a moment to regain his composure and suppress the urge to strike Goku. His brow twitches slightly. "Unfortunately."

You and Trunks conclude your sparring session, recognizing that Trunks's stamina is lower than your own. Descending back to the ground level, you offer a smile to Trunks and playfully punch his arm. "Rest assured, we have everything under control. Black doesn't stand a chance." Trunks's eyes gleam with a fiery determination, and he nods in agreement, a confident smirk gracing his face. Internally, he communicates with Future Bulma and Mai, his resolve stronger than ever. This time, he would be prepared.

You let out a soft stretch, stifling a giggle as Goku envelops you in a warm hug, playfully nuzzling against you. Trunks averts his gaze, unable to handle the affectionate moment, while Vegeta lets out an irritated huff. "Go be disgustingly in love somewhere else. We're not finished with our training, and you better not be using that damn knife," Vegeta directs his annoyance towards you and Goku before shifting his attention to Trunks. Trunks nods tensely, and you wish him good luck as Goku uses instant transmission to transport both of you back home.

As you arrive home, a sigh escapes your lips, missing the joyful chaos and laughter of your children. "I'm not suggesting we move closer, but I do miss the sound of our kids eagerly greeting us when we return," you mumble. Goku innocently hums, gently squeezing your hips. "Well, we can always work on expanding our family, but for now, we'll have to wait," he trails off, and you chuckle, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, there are too many battles to face before we can focus on that," you say, a light smile gracing your face.

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