My Sisters Nemesis<3

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Amara has an older sister named Lila and Lila has a nemesis a hot, hot, cocky Nemesis who thinks everyone's in love with him.

Amaras first year of high school just started 2 days ago she is walking to her first class of the day, head down tryna avoid trouble when all of a sudden a man, a very tall man appears infront of her making her walk right into him she staggers back a little but before she could fall the boy grabs her arm helping her stay steady (It's the least he could after making her almost fall) and when she finally gets her footing she looks up at the man only to be met with a handsome face and a smile that could kill.

Her POV:
"Hey" he says calm and collected. I look at him shocked, annoyed and a little confused but then I'm just pissed off
Hey? HEY that's all he has to say after standing in my way, almost making me fall over and making a fool of myself. Well that's what I wanted to say but all that comes out is "Hi" he then extends his hand that was in his pocket and says "I'm Dominic but everyone calls me Dom" and flashes me another smile, I look at his hand then back at him now I'm confused Dominic? Freakishly tall? Letter man jacket? A smile that the devil is jealous of? And brown hair this can't seriously be? No it can't then I get pulled out of my thoughts by a "Do you have a name?" The man infront of me says I go a little red realising I've been in my head for a quite a bit while a very hot guy has been standing infront of me then I reply "I'm late" walk around him and into my classroom leaving him in utter shock.

His POV:Did she just turn me down I don't know what I did wrong i was nice to her, asked her her name instead of her number, I smiled AND i gave her my hand!?!?!?

Her POV:I walk into class, sit down and 1 long boring hour of English starts *Skip to lunch* I'm putting my books into my locker and getting new ones when somebody leans against the locker next to me, when I turn to look at who it is, its him I roll my eyes and continue what I'm doing "What do you want?" I say and he replies with "Your name for starters" he says with a smile "You already know my name" "Why would you say that!?" Then i look at him and say "Because your Dominic Sinclair" "So you do know who I am" he says with a smirk "Oh I know who you are, you're the guy who harass my sister for no apparent reason" I close my locker and he drops his smile.

"I was hoping she hadn't told you about me" he says following me as I walk away "Oh she told me shes told me everything" then he says, "Everything?" "Everything." Then he walks in front me again "OK please let me explain" I stop walking "There's nothing to explain you're a dick and we all know that I'm just glad I didn't have to figure that out first hand my sister did the honor for me" I continue walking and he jumps infront of me again "ok but that's thing I'm not a dick!" I give him the do you think Im an idiot look "OK so i am... but not to your sister!" "So you didn't *list kf a bunch of mean, cruel and absolutey savage things he did* "ok yes I did all that but only after she started doing shit like that to me!" He says a little whiny "Like I'd believe that my sisters doesn't start shit she just ends it" then he says "Trust me on this I've started a lot of shit over my years but with your sister nada, nothing, zit." I close my lips together he seems genuine but then again he could just be a really good liar but I don't know somethings telling me he's telling the truth "Even if I believe you which I don't what the hell do you want with me!?"He closes his lips and puts a serious face on "I need your help" he says all of that not looking at me guess he doesn't like asking for help.

"My help?" I say almost gagging "WTF could YOU possibly want from ME. You're a senior jock who has daddy's money and any girl he wants, I'm a freshman and the little sister of your nemesis??" "Exactly!" What does he mean exactly then he continues "You're my nemesis little sister" "Are tryna get back at my sister or? Cause I am n-" he cuts me off "No no there's only person who your sisters hates more than me" "There is!? Who?" I reply in shock "My girlfriend Cecilia Drake... Ex girlfriend" ohhh her how could I forgot about her, then it clicks and I start walking past him "no no no no" he turns around "oh come on please" "I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending" (Yes that was a Taylor Swift pun) "I'm begging you" jeez begging he must be desperate "Why me? Why not my sister" "Have you met your sister? Have you heard her stories? there is no way in heaven, hell or earth she'd ever go for it *then he smiles* but you??" I look at him straight face and say "No" and walk away again "Amara come on you're my last hope at getting her back, she left me for some college guy and this is the only way! Pretty please" *puppy dog eyes* (Yes I got this idea from To All The Boys I've Loved Before) I stop look at him "She left you for a college guy? *a laugh a little* man that's gotta hurt the ego" "So what do you say?" He says with hope in his eyes "Look *I sigh* I want to help you i really do cause this would be some hilarious fun *smile* but I can't do that to my sister" then he says "Oh fuck her, do something for you!" "But it's not for me it's for you" That left him speechless "Ok well so yes you got me there *he stitters kinda* but there has to me something you want" *He smiles* again with that devilish smile "What do u mean?" I say intrigued "I'll get you anything you want" "Anything?" "Anything." Then i reply "OK now I'm listening"... Does she take the deal or stick by her sister?

Amara=Freshmen (year 10), 16 turning 17
Dominic=Senior (Year 12), 18
Lila (Sister)=Senior (Year 12), 17 turning 18
Cecilia(Bitchy GF)=(Year 12), 18 as of 1 weeks ago

(Oh BTW I'm saying that the reason the sister hates him is because he didn't kiss her in 6th grade spin the bottle I know shes an idiot yes like TALBILB if it was a real book id think of a better reason but its not so)

I love this one even tho it took forever😅 hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing!! Love yall, bye<3

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