Free Rein Story<3 (Marcus)

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Amara goes to a bed and breakfast down the road to her grandma's house where she is staying for the summer when she meets Marcus he showed her around town when they start talking Marcus tells Amara about The Stables. About a day later Amara meets Zoe, Jade and Becky at the cafe in town when they invite her to the stables while the girls are showing her around, introducing to everyone when Amara hears her name being called out to she turns around it's Marcus they walk up to each other with a huge smile on there faces when the girls are like you two know each other which when they explain how the now eachother continue on a bit Amara finds the perfect horse Marcus is teaching her how to ride etc etc. Eventually Amara ends up staying at the bed and breakfast his parents own because Amara's grandma goes into hospital for fainting, Marcus and her grandma thought it would be better for Amara to stay with him at the bed and breakfast it's also around Christmas time so Amara ends up helping Amanda Marcus's mom with baking gingerbread man, cakes, fudges all that Christmas food she even helped them pick out a Christmas tree like she's apart of the family...

I didn't proof read this so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best, love y'all bye<33

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