Hope Mikaelson Story<3

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I'm sitting on the stairs of the school sulking when i hear. "Hey Amara," I look up at a polite voice saying my name and see hope (mikaelson) standing there. I smile politely and exhausted. "Hey Hope," I say, exhausted. she stops in her tracks and looks at me, confusion visiable on her face. "What's wrong?" she says, concerned laced through her voice I look back up at her eyes tired and my fake polite smile plastered on my face with a shake of my head the exhaustion in my voice before replaced with a chipper tone "Nothings wrong." but Hope just cocks her head to the side "Don't lie to me" she says with a demanding undertone. She always did see through my lies. "I swear that's a talent of yours," she chuckles dryly as she sits down next to me on the stairs, indicating to spill what's wrong, and with a sigh, i oblige there's no getting out of Hope's grip once she's into something she never let's it go and I can't deny I want to tell someone. "My parents" I pause a loss for words I don't know how to word it "They set me up" she looks at me confused I can't say it out loud cause if I do that means it's real so I shove my hand in my pocket and pull it out a 14k carat pure gold band with a oval emerald jewel in the middle of it with little diamonds surrounding it. My engagement ring. That was all the information Hope needed before she got it her jaw dropped, and her eyes filled with shock. "No. No! They can't do that" she says pissed "They can and they did" I say defeated i knew this day was coming but I just didn't expect it so soon I'm still in High school (shes 17 she goes to the Salvatore Boarding school for the Young and Gifted) "This can't be legal!" "Well as long as they don't sign an official document saying they sold me off, it is all legal." Basically, they are selling me off to make a merger with another powerful wolf pack. "I'm marrying into the The Lightwells for power,a bugger place in society, but according to the world its just a happy couple, so in love they decided to get married young so as soon as I turn 18 I'll be wed" "That's in a month!? They can't do this to you" she says in shock but her voice softening in sympathy "Yeah they can to them I'm just a pawn I'm a chess game they like to give me little to no time to think of an escape plan. They know me. I'm completely against it, but once I stand up there on that altar and make a bond, a pact I'd never break it" I repeat myself with a sad irony kind of way "They know me." I scoff dryly "No" Hope says determined and defiant pulling my attention from the nic on the floorboards I look at her confused "They may know you but they don't know your friends" she grabs my hand "You are not getting married not to someone you don't want to atleast" she stand suo my hand in hers "Come on we have to find the others. Formulate a plan, " she says mischievous in her eyes, and i can't help but smile that darned Mikaelson charm with that we're off. Till next time...

Basically, Hope Mikaelson is a trybrid (I never spell that right anyway), which means she's a wolf, witch, and a vamp long story. Hopes parents are both dead her grandparents sucked and are dead, her uncle Elijah is dead her, step father is dead Jackson is dead and some others I can't remember point is her life is tragic but she's the MC, the hero, the Saviour and she's hot.

Amara Vaughn is a wolf through and through her mom and dad are still alive but very hard on her since her older brother died when she was 11 he was however 23 at the time she was an accident clearly but when her brother Alessandro died they had no choice but to make do with a daughter, an accident, a 'disappointment'. The only thing protecting her from this world was her brother, so when he died, it all went down hill for. Her parents are the leaders of the pack, specifically her dad her mother married in, so having an heir was important, and they were too old/it was to late to produce another air, go default Amara. She's sweet, bubbly (most of the time). She's, in other words, a cinnamon roll protected at all costs but also wanted by all. What'll happen when the weight of the world is put on her shoulder? Will she be able to hold or will she need a certain someone to *cough* hold her up...

I've been really into the whole arrnage marriage stories cause its like forced proximity and usally enemies to lovers I finished King Of Wrath and I've been reading heaps of slytherin boys heir to this thrown aremage marriage stuff😂😭trust me it's good

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