Silent Speaker<3

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Amara has been friends with Jace and the lightwoods since birth there parents were friends in high school and i guess they stuck. When Clary came to the institute Alec went over to Amara and Clary ask who is she Izzy explains and tells her stay away shes shy and if u touch her Alec will kill you. (I'm a sucker for the protectiveness)


Amara is lukes adoptive daughter (don't have to be adopted I just prefer to be white this is me cause I'm white I'm not being offensive) so her and Clary are like sisters and when she goes to the institute so does she but shes kind of a shy person no shy is a understament she won't even talk to the guy whos brought her mail for 9 years so when they go to the institute that's a whole problem yk since alot of people to talk to and Amara no speak. Clary tells them that and how she won't warm up to you cause ever since she saw her mom and dad get murder when she was 7 she's kinda terrified of everyone but when she suddenly talks to Alec everyone questions including Amara...

So I know Alex is gay but he's just so fine and his story's are so fun btw this is set in the show not movie<33

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