Theo Silva (Unedited 3am story)<3

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Theo's POV:
I wake up with Amara sprawled on my chest my arm splayed over her waist and our legs intertwined in the bed. I grab my phone to check the time, wiping my eyes and see a text from Harvey "Have you seen Amara? Her door is wide open and she wasn't in there." Crap i didnt even think about Harvey being here Rhett, Beau, Cade and there gossiping wives are safely in there own homes but i didnt think about the real trouble. A gossiping old man. I internally curse the world for mot being in a hotel right now so i can stay cuddled up in bed with this beautiful, whimsical nutjob of a girl who's smile is like snuggling up to a fire on a cold winter night with a mug of hot Cocoa and mini marshmallows and the rebellious part of me wants to but I opted against it cause if were caught like this it'll be me buried in the back paddock. Plus Amara wanted to keep whatever this is under raps for now she may have a free personality most the time, but not when it comes to plans she's a control freak like that. I look down at Amara her dark chocolate hair messy, her cheeks tinted strawbery pink, her left hand clutching the duvet and I lean down to kiss her on the head lightly to not wake her up. I get out of bed and walk downstairs to get coffee stretching my arms with a yawn when I hear a voice pipe up. "Good morning" Harvey says taking a sip of his coffee newspaper in his other hand. "Morning" I reach to grab a coffee mug from the cabinet and pour myself some. "So do you know where Amara? I don't know if you saw my text" I freeze a little at the mention of Amara I swear I'm 16 tryna not get busted for sneaking pit late at night except I'm not 16 I'm 26 so I with realisation taht I'm infact not a teamge eanynore I turn to face Harvey with a shake of my head as I take a mouth full of my coffee the heat sending a tingle down my throat. "Nope" I reply naturally but Harvey continues to pry "Really cause she's not in her room and none of the boys have seen her" he says taht like he knows something but he can't theres no way my door has a lock. Can he? That little voice in brain decides to chime in no he can't know but somehow dads always know and I freeze my words lost and my mouth still trying to think of an excuse, an idea, an answer but I've got nothing I just stand there coffee mug in hand frozen. "Your quietness either tells me your tryan drum up a excuse or your really tryna think of were she is" then he laughs and jokingly says "Or she's in your bed" as he looks back down at his newspaper and stay still like a deer in headlights and Harvey looks up slowly realisation pours into his eyes slowly but before either of us can sya anything Amara walls into the kitchen all loose T-shirt and messy hair. "Good morning people" she says chipperly to chipper for have just waking up but we'll get back to that later. Harvey looks between Amara and I suspiciously but he doesn't actully know anything so he waits and Amara oblivious to what's going on gives him the juice he needs she walks past me putting a hand in my waist to move me gently out the way to grsnt herslef access to the coffee pot simple, small she didn't even know what she did it properly but enough for Harvey to blurt out. "Did you to have sex last night?".

Amara's POV
I have a coffee mug in one hand and pot in the other about to pour myself a cup of nice warm waking up juice when all of a sudden my dad blurts out the most awkward, toe curdling thing a dad could ever say and with those 7 words I stiff waiting for someone to laugh or say it's a joke but long excruciating seconds pass by and no one says a peep. I turn around to face my dad at the table "Come again?" I don't think I heard him right must've. "You weren't in your bed this morning I thought maybe you'd gone out but you come downstairs like you just woke up and the only room I didn't get to check was Theo's which leads me to believe you to you know" he estimates with the words this time as he gestures his fingers between us settling with. "had Shenanigans together." I burst out laughing full on doubling over, breathe taking laughing cause this is just so funny to me and when I look up Theo's shocked, concerned and stunned face I burst out laughing again slapping my knee now grabbing the kitchen island cause his face during this situation was priceless.

I can't be bothered eighyung anymore byeee

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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