The Other Side<3

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This is a story where the daughter of a vampire hunter Amara Saltzman Alaric Saltzman being the vampire hunter father sees the other side of the story from a vampires perspective and realised they're not all that bad will Amara find more than that perhaps love, read to find out...

She pretty much despises Damon for 'killing' her mom.

Set:The sun and the moon curse period.
Only then does Amara find out what Caroline and the Salvatores are.

Lover:Elijah Mikaelson
Age:17 almost 18
Hair:Darker brown
BFFS:Elena, Bonnie, Caroline

Stelena, Beremy, Forewood

You don't have to use those I just had them done already so I added them, bye my darlings<3

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