Silent Whispers (M.R)<3

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"How'd you get here so fast?" "I was already on my way," he says, a small smile on his face oblivious to what he's doing to me. I love this sweet, cold to the touch, overbearing boy of mine, but the thing is he's not really mine because in 2 months he's to be married off to some oscillated bimbo who doesn't really know him and never will. He's certainly not making it easy. I knew it the day we met. I knew the day my heart became, his I was gonna end up left with shattered pieces of something in my palm's that used to be my heart because this was inevitable but my dumbass still held out hope that maybe some day we'd be forever, that somehow somewhere a miracle would be performed and we'd be free to be endgame, to be soulmates, to fall in and out of love, to argue about whether we should get 2 or 3 dogs, to contemplate about which kindergarten our children go to but then again that was just all a dream a fantasy land back in reality Mattheo is gonna have an airheaded trophy walk down a rose petaled aisle wearing a gown shaped like a pastry to song that sounds like a death march with me sitting in the rows of people who don't really care about this marriage watching my one and only slip away into the abyss... Reality stinks.

I thought once I finished King Of Wrath my love for arranged marriage stories would be over it is infact not and still holding sturdy😂😂 I've also really been into the tragic writing lately which is ironic since I don't watch or read tragic stuff I hate it I still haven't watched Endgame (my baby shouldn't have died). (And yes, those first line's were the tiktok limes, but they are actually from iconic klaroline, so shush)

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