My Bodyguard<3

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***Disclaimer*** This is very bonkers, so unrealistic and doesn't really make sense but I mean most my stuff doesn't so continue at your own dismay, bye<3

Amara's mother died giving birth to her and her stuck up asshole of a 'business man' father blamed her for it so he hired a nanny, body guard, caretaker people but she hated them all and was reluctant so when she turned 7 he decided to take a different route hire someone old enough to take care of a child but not so old she could in a sense grow up with them which as you would think is harder to find a 16 year old whosnwillingly to live with a 7 year old and go do everything with her basically live for her when he finds a 15 year old boy needing a home, he decides he'd be a great fit and the kid was internally grateful for a chance at life. When he was 15, he was , but now hes 27 and still here. Now she's 20, and her father is finally letting her go to college as long as she lives at home and brings her caretaker EVERYWHERE.

Her name is Amara Sinclair 20
His name is Ezekiel Black 27

She has had headache problems since she was little no idea why but they come, and they go

Having A Sleepover With Ria In Her Apartment:
R:"Do you two have nicknames?" Ria is currently prying into my Ezekiel life.
A:"Uhh, well, he calls me Sunshine to which i repsond in calling him Ezee" She grimaces "I know bad but when I was a kid and we had first met, I told him I hated my name, so he asked me what i wanted to be called."
R:"And you chose Sunshine?"
A:"Oh no, I chose Princess Blair. It's a Barbie thing." We both break out in laughter.
A:"No, this nickname came naturally like most best ones do,"
R:"So you do you like it?" She says, eye brow quicked with a sly grin playing on her lips. I stare at her face, my mouth agape, which turns into a small smile, my eyes closing in defeat with a sigh, and she chuckles at me.
R:"Busted." She's grinning ear to ear, thinking she got me.
A:"No, no, I..." I trail off. I can't even say it cause it's a lie. I can finally tell someone the truth, I can gossip, I don't have to hide "Yeah I love it." I smile with a scrunch of my nose as I hide in a pillow.

Car/Road Trip:
Whenever she plays a song in his car, he secretly adds it to a playlist he has, so when she's in the car, he knows how to make quiet Amara more sunshiney.

Amara went off at her father for not paying Ezekiel, that thats forced labour etc etc when her father looks up from his phone with an annoyed but mostly bored expression on his face and whips out a "Amara I started paying him when he turned 18. Nobody's being forced to do nothing" and her brows furrow on confusion but before she can ask further questions her father brushes her off with a wave of his hand and a "I have to be at a meeting" leaving a perplexed Amara behind.

She waits for Ezekiel to come home sitting by the front entrance arms folded and a fucking screwed up head cause she's confused why he's still here. If he's been getting an income for 9 years. What is he still doing here she racked her brain for an hour when he entered the house grocery bags in hand and startles a little when she spoke up. "Why are you here?" and he chuckles a little confused while juggling shutting the door while carrying the bags. "Because I'm done grocery shopping? Where else would I be, Sunshine?" he says looking at her with a smile, a normal casual smile which just pisses her off even more she gets to her feet unfolding her arms "Don't Sunshine me now is not the time Ezekiel" She starts pacing her little hands in fists by her side and he looks at her confused as he passes the grocery bags to the 2 maids of the house. "What happened?" she stops pacing and whips her head to look at him. "Seriously?" He can hear the distress laced through her angered voice and is immediately before her. "What's wrong? Who did what?" She looks up at him, her eyes glazing over with fire."You." She says venomous. "Why are you still here? Do you get a kick out of it or something? I don't understand it, " and now he's just vearing back confused she starts pacing again. "I had a little chat with my father earlier. I went off at him but not about me about" She stops and pokes a finger at him."You." "About what? What did I do, Sunny?" his face looks concerned, almost pained at the thought of having hurt her."You've been getting paid for 9 years." She says voice laced with hurt, but all her eyes say is betrayal, and his face drops at words. "You've been telling me for 12 years that you're doing this because you have to because it's your obligation, and there's no way you could leave." Her fists keep clenching and unclenching at her sides like she's mad, but her voice is just perplexed. "If you've been getting paid for 9 years, why can't you leave go ahead and live your life instead of spending ur days here." She's now talking with arms. "Do u feel lost and think that babysitting a sheltered little girl will give you purpose? Are you scared or just bored?" Riled up now, she'd be right in his face if he wasn't so damn tall. His jaw pops, his teeth gritted together, and broad shoulders tensed up, which make him tower over her. I swear he growls under his breathe as he mutters "Fucking Mattel"

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