Nik Vaughn (Mikaelson) The Tourist<3

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My eyes are watering. "I can't believe I fell for it. I can't believe I fell for you and your" I stutter "your act not after-" after my father beat, tortured, menatlly abused and manpulitated his way into controlling my life down to how I cut my hair and me the perfect daughter being oblivious to it I can't have fallen for those tricks again you may be wondering what I'm talking about well everybody meet Nik Vaughn or should I say Niklaus Mikaelson his real name and the big bad wolf of your nightmares.

Nik and I met about 3 months ago just on the outskirts of New Orleans. I live in the middle of nowhere in an attic to keep me safe, but sometimes when Marcel - My father for all intestine purposes - left to go to the store or to rule his city id sneak out and go to the neighbouring towns were I met Nik Vaughn a 22 year old British man with a devilish charm no one can resist. My favourite town to go to was Baton Rouge crawling with witches and Voo Doo expects with not a soul caring that I was there and it is that very town where I ran into Nik. I was in the local bar not being served of course because I'm only 17 but Mika the bartender was the first ever friend I made in thos town and she owns the bar and looks terrifying she's 24 a witch, has a sleeve of tats, a septum piercing and black hair but she's really not as scary as most think.

"Hey get the fuck out of here!" I hear Mika yell from outside followed by a thud of I'm guessing one of the empty crate she always has at the back of the bar around near the dumbsters addicts always find there way into them those she turns away bit the stray cats now them she takes in she currently has 3 Simon, Snicklefritz and Mr Applebottom who I might add is a girl but she has rescued about 20 I think over the years. She started 4 years ago when she found her old cat dusty dead on the side of the road she'd been feeding it, washing it and she always came back every few days she didn't actually belong to Mika but it felt like she did so when Mika found her and found out how awful people were to stray cats she'd take them in and no she doenst neglect dogs there just aren't any here Baton Rouge don't like cats cause they are mostly bad omens in there cultural which is understandable I don't won't no bad goo goo carrying animal around me either but I don't believe in that and neither does Mika so they don't bother us. Mika comes back in from outside carrying a crate of alcohol or should I say struggling to I get up off my bar stool and go to her holding the door open for her "7 years of doing this and you still haven't learnt" I say to Mika with a smile she never asks for help and never try's to do it a different way she's stubborn like that. "Learnings for whimps" she says, carrying the crate of vodka bottles to the counter i just laugh and put a loose brick in front of the door, keeping it open so she doesn't have to struggle like that again. I walk over go her. "You start putting these away. I'll get another crate." I nod my head to her words. We do this every week, beating me from having to go back sooner to absolutely nothing. "Don't move that brick!" I shout to her she's a funny thing who will move the brick just to prove she can do it without the brick all I hear is her chuckle but I don't hear the scrape of brick so we're cool. I hear the bar door open the front one I look up at the clock 8am jeez this dude must be having a bad day I look back at the brunette haired man, he has blue eyes, a chiselled jaw, you can tell he has muscles through his t shirt but nothing could have braces for the accent "Hello Love" HES BRITISH he has that old English accent to oh my god yes focus Amara right yes right um I swallow a little and answer him not letting my shock at how omg he is show and say with a even voice, plastering on my custimer service smile "Hello sir, how may I help you? I'd love to kffer you a drink, but the bar doesn't open for another 3 hours." he chuckles lightly under his breathe and looks back up at me directly in the eyes with a devilish smirk "Oh no I'm not here for the alcohol" the way he said taht sounds like he was implying he wants something else to drink and in this town, in this city that means blood my face goes pale, my smile fades and the omce shaking I was doing has stopped "I'm sorry what?" I manage to stutter out."I know you're not open" he says, his smile still intact."I was just hoping you could help with directions" directions? "Secret old trick of mine guaranteed anywhere you go the bartender will always know there way around" my face isn't so pale anymore and the feeling in my body his back "Directions?" I breathe in deleif ha ha "You want directions" I say as more of a statement "That makes sense" I swallowed relieved but then gotten taken back to reality once I rrlaise he's still waiting for an answer directions. "Right, sorry," i smile. "To were exactly?" he smiles politely but still deviously "To New Orleans the quarter specially" the color that once made its exit a minute ago has now left the building again why would he want to not that New Orleans is supernatural central nobody knows that except supernaturals and especially the quarter it's were the deals get made and the bonds get bound its were Marcel resides on his thrown hypothetically of course "You know that place is like crawling with vampires" I smile a little fishing for info "I know" he says plainly "Just like this place is crawling with aliens" Huh? after a second or 2 he grins "I'm joking of course were joking" he says with a chuckle and I sigh again with a little laugh this man keeps giving me heart attacks I smile back "funny" I swallow my smile away "but no really I would air on the side of caution in that town its" I pause thinking of the right word worry laced through my voice "disgruntled" he says finishing my sentence and look at him "unimaginable." I say locking eyes with this stranger but it's broken when Mika walks in "They really need to hire a new de-" Mika looks the man up and down "Who is this?" I just realised in that moment I never caught his name "how rude of me I never did catch your name?" he smiles still looking at me "Nik. Nik Vaughn it's mice to meet you Amara" my eyebrow is raised "I neve told you my name" he smiles back at me devilishly "No but your name is did" I look down realisation dawns on me as I see gold cursive letters on a black backdrop saying Amara. Mika got me one made when she had the others made says as soon as I turn 18 I can work here, get money and get out of Marcels grip I chuckle and look back up "Right" what has gotten unto me to day Mika steps forward and extends her hand "Mika Quency, pleasure I'm sure" she says with a her signature smile most would assume she's gay from her look but nope Mika is 100% straight and I have the evidence to back that up subject for another time anyway couple minutes later and he's leaving Mika has given him directions and he's off bit beside he leans I stop him by lightly grabbing his arm "Mr Vaughn" "Please call me Nik" he cuts in before i can continue "Nik. Be careful in that town its" "Unimaginable I remember" he says cutting me off once again "Dangerous. It's dangerous." he smiles down at me "Only for those that do not hold the power of a certain someone" I have a look of confusion on my face cayse I'm fucking confused what's that supposed to mean the only person even removed capable of taking down that town is an original maybe but still there dead have been for centuries but before I can object again Nik is gone.

So basically Klaus is ginan try and get his city back (obviously succeeding cahse he's him) but he needs her to get to Marcel or some shit like that idk😂😂just enjoy<3

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