Ladro Di Cuori<3 (Heart Stealer)

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It's Italy, Rome 2019 October the 23rd, exactly 1 month before some of the world's rarest and priceless jewels are being moved to the Treasure of  San Gennaro for the first ever public exhibit. Dazzling with diamonds, emeralds, and gold, 70 pieces of treasure said to be some of the most valuable in the world have been transported from a vault from the Vaughn's personal estate to a museum in Rome. They'll stay there until December 27th, marking the first time they've ever been displayed outside of Mr. Dominic Vaughn's personal museum and I plan to take them. I Amara Sinclair during the day am a 26 year old heiress who the rich overlook because I'm an unmarried, unwidowed woman of a certain age, but at night I'm Ladro Di Cuori translation Heart Stealer feared by the rich but loved by the commoners I steal from undeserving snobs with one to many affairs and give back to the common folk. You see, by getting overlooked, people tend to talk as if you're not there like just cause they ignore you suddenly, you have no ears or something. I've accomplished 26 heists since I began training 9 years ago, including but not limited to Schipol Airport Heist my first ever news worthy heist that happened in 2011, Carlton International Hotel Heist 2014, The American Muesem of Natural History Heist 2015 and Graff Diamond Heist in 2018 etc etc. You may be wondering how does an heiress become a jewel thief it all started 10 years ago when my mother and father were killed in a tragic plane accident motor malfunction they called it common said by most but my father as a young adult served in the Naval Air Force there's no way he'd ever let that happen he was always talking about how cutting edge his planes were so 17 year old me investigated and I proved myself right that the rich are liars. Grayson Vaughn, if you think you recognise that you do Grayson Vaughn is Dominic Vaughn's father, the jewel owner whom I intend to steal from, ruin, and completely demolish his father's legacy. After jumping through a million hoops and paying thousands of dollars I figured out the truth that Grayson Vaughn payed somebody who payed somebody who rigged my fathers plane to crash killing him, my mother, 2 flight attendants, a pilot and his co-pilot the money I made from my other heists went to them as well as multiple charity's. This will be my last heist ever. My parents died on the 23rd of December. The exhibit will be leaving 4 days later I have exactly 24 hours to complete the task at hand it's symbolic.And if you thought taking his fortune, his jewels, his status and his father's Empire wasn't enough I'll also be making him fall in love with me and then breaking his heart I'll make sure he knows my story and just who put him in this position, his father...

(So she eventually meets him, and he turns out to be a total sweetheart, and she starts to feel a little guilty. Will she actually fall for him or stick to the plan??)

Idk I was bored and decided I wanted to be a thief

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