Truth Hurts<3

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Amara was turned into a vampire by Klaus's blood she had it in her system for idk why yet but ever since then she hasn't left his side or his house Amara told her boyfriend Stefan Salvatore and all her friends even herself it was because of a sire bond but she knows deep down that that's not the truth the truth is she doesn't wanna leave his side she likes being protected and shes scared of the world and herself she never wanted to be a vampire but here she is the thing she feared most in the world. Stefan has been tryna find a way to break the sire bond and when he finally does he finally goes back to the Mikaelsons house for the thousand time he sees Amara having dinner with the Mikaelsons looking happier than she ever has but stefan doesn't care he bursts in he tells Amara he found a way for the sire bond to be broken she can finally leave that awful place and when Amara says no its not possible tryna cover up the fact that its not actually a sire bond but he keeps persisting and then she finally bursts out the truth "IM NOT HERE BECAUSE OF THE SIRE BOND STEFAN, IM HEAR BECAUSE I WANNA BE HERE" stefan can't believe that this is the truth deep down he knew it wasnt really a sire bond keeping her there but he could never admit that if he did hed have to admit why she stayed because she's in love with Niklaus "no no thats not true it is a sire bond it has to be" he stutters then amara says "Well it is i was never under the influence of the sire bond stefan i stayed because i wanted to i love it here, i love what they stand for, i love spending time with them, they are my people now and i love them I'm sorry Stef" she says as a tear runs down her cheek because she knows that what she just said would have broken his heart but its the truth and she can't hide from it anymore...

In this story they're in Mystic Falls but everyone's alive the whole sha-bang Klaus, Elijah, Bekah, Kol, Freya, Finn, Marcel to.

I'm sorry for y'all who love Stef I love him to but I love Klaus more<3

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