Fictional Figure Skating Stories<3

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Suggestion 1:
Amara is a figure skater and swears she'll never work with a partner but when she misses qualifiers for singles skating she has no other choice but to find a partner for parra skaters competion in a month which at last minute is gonna be hard all's left is the dropouts and hockey players... (So what I did with this story I made singles and parra skaters compete on different dates the parra skaters compete a whole month later its a story so I know it's unrealistic oh well)

Suggetsion 2:
What happens when Amara's skating partner gets injured a month from qualifiers whats she gonna do if she doesn't make this her whole career is gonna fall down the well so what happens when her older brothers best friend offers to help who I might add is a hockey player...

Suggestion 3:
Amaras skating partner gets injured in a car accident and gets put in a wheelchair for life what happens when your skating coach pairs you up with your old skating partners nemesis... (In my head I've made our old skating partner the one in the wheelchair a real dick a lot like Aaron from Icebreaker)

Gave y'all some options if it sounds like something you've read it does not mean to but disclaimer I am reading Icebreaker so idk maybe it sounds like that🤷‍♀️ and i binged Spinning Out last month so anyway. Love y'all, bye<3

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