The Scandal (Theo Nott)<3

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A scandal is basically the only way to stop an arrange marriage so Amara and Theo agree to secretly date to create a Scandal so they become posionionus fruits and no one will want to marry them aka no arrmage marriage. She will move to the end of the earth after the scandal and live her life as she wants. He will take over his Empire without a wife and leave it to a pet parrot, his actual idea. She thinks to herself this is a dumb idea as she takes his hand and he takes hers and engulfs it in warmth...

Basically obviously they actually fall for eachother over the few months but go there separate ways to scared to say anything cause they don't know eachother feels the same and then it gets worse somehow Amaras Mother Drucella finds a man who will marry her or should I say ogar Sicelwitz Howsenfirer is a ugly, smelly, 47 year old, jogging suit wearing, disgusting dude that her Amaras mother somehow found and she has to marry him. What will Amara and Theo do? Will, they admit their feelings? Will they pull a speak now? Theo may have never wanted a bride before, but he does know, and it's her...

I told y'all love arranged marriages (reading them not irl)<3

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