Another Niklaus Story<3

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*Klaus walks in the room*

Klaus: "Amara?"Are you crying? Why are you crying?"

Amara: *She just looks up at him from the brown leather coach she's sitting in*

Klaus: *Klaus is at loss for words. He's not exactly the comforting type. "Do you want me to get you something or - or do something?"

Amara: "Can I have a hug?" *crying*

Klaus: * He's in shock he thought she'd ask for some water or something. He definitely wasn't expecting that. *

Amara: "Please, Niklaus, you know I woul-"

* Before she could finish, klaus stopped her by saying* Klaus: "Sure."

Amara: *shes in shock, shocked that he said yes anyone who knows niklaus knows he's not a hugger or affectionate or just a toucher at all but she accepts by getting up, walking over and hugging him tight at first he's in a shock not used to affection but then he gives in hugs her back and not that he'll admit it but he's enjoying it to they hugged for a good amount of time before Klaus pulls away and says she should go get some rest it was about 9ish the Mikaelson ball was tomorrow night so she goes off to bed and has the best night sleep she thinks she's ever had to be continued read to find out what happens between Amara and Niklaus...

Ok so in my head when ever i have stories I've made up this room it's kind of like an office there's a desk on the far wall and u have to take a step up to it and then a brown 2 seater leather couch like directly infront of it but about 3-4 ft away and then an old antique cabinet with a tv in it I can't explain it very well but she's sitting in that couch oh and some of Klauss paintings are all over the room he likes to paint in there anyway yeah bye<333

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