Fake Date With My HS Bully<3

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You were packing up your things, preparing to leave school. Finally, you could rest after being tormented by Sean, your school bully. Your locker slammed shut, you glared at Sean. And saw he looked embarassed. "I need a favor." I raise my eyebrows. "You need a favour from me c'mon Sean it's the end of school I'm finally through with you just leave" He continued anyway. "I kinda told my parents, you and I were dating. Now they want to meet you tonight." He spoke shyly, avoiding eye contact with you. "What? Why? Why me? No way not happening." I walk away, and he follows "I just need you to pretend to be my girlfriend for one night, please." Why the fuck is he asking me HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. "Here's a tip next time your parents ask if you have a girlfriend and you say yes actually point out your real girlfriend!" I say annoyed and frustrated cause he does have a girlfriend so how the fuck did I get stuck here.Sean got in-front of you, blocking your way."Because I went to but then my mother made a comment about her tattoos and her piercings and her dyed hair so I panicked and pretended they saw the wrong girl and you were in the same vicinity were I had pointed." *He spoke, crossing his arms.* "I told them we've been dating for three years now, they want to meet you for dinner tonight." "Tonight!?!? UGH jeez Sean you really know how to dig yourself a hole!". I roll my eyes so far back I think I may have lost them and to just my luck he continues talking. "Just pretend to be my girlfriend for a few hours." Sean looked pleadingly at you. He knew how much he tormented you, but he was desperate. I will admit it is fun to see him stress why would I want that to stop."No." I say firmly. "You tormented me for years and now you want something!". I keep walking more annoyed now. "Your just gonna have to let mommy and daddy know how much of a failure you really are." Sean reached out with his hand, and grabbed your wrist, stopping you from walking. "Look, I'm so sorry for how I treated you, but please, can you just pretend to be my girlfriend?". I shake my head a little bewildered "You seriously think you can just apologise no fake apologise because you and I both know that was a lie and get what you want well hate to break it to you baby but thats not how the world works." "Do you really want to see me fail?" He asked, his grip on your wrist tightening slightly. I raise an eyebrow like obviously, but still, I think looking from my wrist to his face, this could be beneficial for me, and i decide head held high on. "I need something in return." His fast reply further proves his desperation."Anything. You name it, I'll give it to you." Sean spoke, eyes locked on you. He always loved to have the upper hand in situations, which means he must be really begging. "I'll think about it". I snatch my wrist back. "When and where is it I may show depending on how I'm feeling?" I couldn't have said anymore condescending and unsincere. He brushes his hair oit of his face "My parents are holding a family dinner at their house at 6, just pretend to be my girlfriend from 6 to around 9, 10 lastest." "As I said I'll think about it." I walk away feeling very happy with myself man was this a good last day. "Text me the address." Sean pulled out his phone and texted you the address to their house and then watched you leave, unsure of how his plan might play out later.

It's about 5pm, and I'm deciding if I should start getting ready or not he did say he'd give me anything I want. I just don't know what I could possibly want from him. I decide to get up and have a shower and think about what I want while washing my hair. I could get him to shave all his precious hair off? Or get him to commit his undying love to me infront of everyone but then I'd look like a bitch to leave oh I don't know. Its about 5.45pm now and I'm getting dressed I put my long chocolate brown hair (into a messy bun jk) into loose curls, amazing make up of course and a cute but parent worthy dress its a tight summery above the knee white dress with blue florals, and has straps plus I have a white cardigan on top, with white nikes to match the nike streak of course beung blue, I have my normal gold necklace on and I'm ready to go by 6.30pm I just still haven't decided if I'm going. I'm standing at the front door staring at it my purse in one hand and keys in the other hand deciding if I should go like I'm waiting for the door to give me the amswer I'm looking for. I eventually ooen tehbdoor and walk to my car getting into it but 6.45 rolls around and I'm still sitting here. I bet he's sweating, nervous wondering if ima show taht does make me a little bit more chipper but I'm still conflicted if I should go he doesn't deserve this but I don't know and I still don't know what I want either you know what fuck it. I put the key in the car and start it reversing out the driveway putting on some Taylor Swift to hopefully clear my mind. It does infact not help i just got distracted singing the whole way there and when I arrive at his house i still don't know what to do my mind is running with thoughts but it's 7.03pm and I'm sitting in my car down the road from his house incase he was watching to see if I came contemplating whether I should go in. 7.07pm, 7.09pm. 7.10pm and I grab my purse and take the keys out the car, I get out the car, lock it and start walking towards the house I make it to the front door and take a deep breathe in, put on the best smile i could mustee up under this intense pressure and raise my hand to the door knock, knock, knock ok here we go a few seconds later a lady answers the door with a huge smile "Hello! Oh, you must be Amara?" She says with a chipper attitude and a huge huge smile. "Yes, that is me. You must be Mrs Vaughn?". I say, returning her smile. "Oh please call me Julie" and she embraces me in a hug. "Well come in come in, the festivities are this way." She guides me through their gigantic house. "Sorry for being a bit late. The traffic was crazy." That was of course a lie I was stalling coming here but I don't wanna tell her that. She just smiles and says "Oh thats okay sweetie." To where she brings me to the living room were everyone is sitting, drinking, talking when I enter looking adorable as always next to Julie Mrs Sunshine she enters that huge smile still on her face I ahve no clue how her face doesn't hurt. "Look who I found, everyone." They all turn their heads to look, and I just smile a little, overwhelmed at all the eyes. I introduce myself to everyone and then go over to Sean with my smile still on my face sitting next to him. He kisses me on the cheek to welcome me, and I try not to regurgitate, but before I can, he whispers to me so no one else can here. "What took you so long?" He says through a smile so that to everyone were just talking like any normal couple. "Well I didn't very well know if I was gonna come or not. Not that you get to complain, you torment a girl for years and, in return, get a fake girlfriend for an evening to parade around to the parents." I look at him, eyebrows raised, and he doesn't say anything else. So the evening begins...

I think this is such a bizarre topic but it was actually a C.AI but as always AI did it wrong first paragraph and it sucked so I made my own version and built off that. Hope y'all like it byeee<33

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