The Inside 'Man'<3

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Amara sits down with Klaus at the grill/bar and starts having a chat with him but he doesn't buy it he looks around for the others and questions 'why' he doesn't believe that she genuinely just wants to talk to him.

I mean he's right but it's still rude you see they want something out of him so they can kill him surprise surprise and Amara is a good at getting stuff out of people and she does get most of what they need out of him but tye problem is later on she starts getting this gut wrenching feeling... guilt.

She doesn't know why she feels guilty I mean for God sakes he's Klaus Mikaelson he's horrific, a murderer, manipulator but she does and eventually she cracks and tells him everything I dont know what she was expecting to happen but it wasn't this.

He takes her to his house and just paces for awhile they've got eveeything they need (Also they broke in at the time of there talking at the bar the others did damon and stefan etc and stole the moonstone back) he has to start all over again but he just... paces back and forth in the study wall to wall one foot infront of the other and doesn't hurt her eventually he forgives her understands why she did it why they did it and if I wasn't mistaken I think I saw a glimmer of hurt in his eye but as quick as it came it left even faster.

He made a deal with her he promises not to touch her or the ones she loves if she becomes his 'inside man'...

I know this one doesn't really make any sense but I like it hope, y'all do, bye<33

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