A Klaus Story<3

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Her pov:
"Nik! Nik!" Amara says with a big 'THUD' following her from closing the door "Where are you, I have big news?" Amara yells as she runs around the house franticly like a nut case.

His pov:I'm in my art studio room when I hear a big thud and a Amara yelling my name out "in hear, love!" I yell out enough so she can hear me, she may be a vampire but she sure is deaf.

Her pov:I finally hear Nik he's in his studio like always I swear I could be dying and he still wouldn't hear me till he is done, "there you are" I say as I enter the art studio "hello, love" Nik says "guess what" I splerge out in excitement "what is it, love?" he says with a little smirk and a scoff "I HAVE A DATE!!!" I say in excitement.

His pov:"I HAVE A DATE" she says with a big smile spread across her face "a date? " I repeat "yeah, with this amazing-" she goes on to explain him to me but I just can't hear anything everything that seems so quiet as I try to take it in a date I think Amara doesn't date Amara's never dated she's, I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand about to slap me, I catch her before it hits my face with a frown I look at her.

Her pov:I go to slap Klaus cause he wasn't answering me but instead 'bam!' he's out of his thoughts and has my wrist in his hand with an angry frown on his face "Nik why are you frowning? Aren't you happy for me? " I say confused."Of course I am love it's just- I just can't picture you on a date with who- was it again? "he basically spits the last alrr out with venom out. "oh ah Stefan Salvatore" I say with smile on my face but it's wiped right off by a "AMARA SINCLAIR!!!"

His pov:"Stefan Salvatore" she's say with a huge smile on her face 'Stefan Salvatore WHAT? she can't go out with Stefan Salvatore' I think to myself but then I get past the shock and I'm mad pissed "AMARA SINCLAIR" she's shocked at my reactio but just for a split second beforebot brushes off her she's used to my outburst. Really him why would she even say yes to him I mean what dkes he have that I don't.

Her pov:I'm shocked he reacted this way I thought he would be happy for me clearly not, I wonder why I mean what's he got against Stefan he doesnt even know him. I sit him down and ask him why he's mad at me "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad that your going on a date with Stefan Salvatore" why is he actung luke he knows him? Im so confused is he jealous I think to myself but then I shake my head a little and I come back to earth "no he can't be jealous it's nik he doesn't get jealous" I whisper to myself Klaus can't hear cause he's to busy in his annoyedness I hear in the corner like a whisper and Klaus can't hear "he sure looks mad" I whip my head around and there's no one there...

I hope you like it I mean is Klaus jealous, how does he know stefan, who's the whisperer, how will the date go!!?!? So many questions only you can answer, have fun<333

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