Brothers EX Best Friend x Little Sister<3

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Amara got picked to go to a prestigious summer course in Ireland with over 3000 applicants she was 1 of 7 people picked but her parents the uptight overbearing assholes they are won't let her go. (IDC what the internship is for and IDC what you look like)

For visual or whatever ages:
Amara (16)
Grayson (17)
Oscar (17)

Grayson:"I know something that'll annoy your parents so much to the point where they'll forget completely about the fact that your internship is 7000 mile's away and over 2 oceans."

Amara:"What? *I scoff* I'll do pretty much anything to be able to leave. I wanna be out of here in the next 3 months. "

Grayson:"What's the one thing ur parents hate more than you leaving home?"

Amara:"me annoying them about leaving home" *I chuckle* "I don't know what?"

Grayson:"Me" *He says with a grin*

Amara:"OK?" *I think I know what he's implying, but I want him to say it out loud before I sound like a nutcase*

Grayson:*he chuckles and rolls his eyes a little with a lazy smile* "Date me, you idiot."

Amara:*I'm so stunned I can't think so I just say* I'm sorry what? *pretending not to have heard him tryna by me more time to come up with something to say*

Grayson:*he chuckles and smiles* "it's not that bizarre you'll be gone in 3 months but not if u don't convince ur parents to let you go your parents hate me always have since the day ur brother brought me home"

Amara:*I chuckle remembering what he did* "yeah cause u managed to drop all your pasta sauce onto mom's new white carpet and then tried to hide it by cleaning it up but that only made it worse. The cleaner even said he would have been able to get it out before, but not after you scrubbed she was always so uptight about cleanliness AND we had the springburds coming over the next day she couldn't have been more furious" *I smile*

Grayson:"Yeah, she was, but she kept it in."

Amara:"Actually... the night after, I found her scrubbing crazy at 2am on her knees like a maniac. " *I laugh*

Grayson:*laughs*No way Mrs Vaughn gets on her knees and scrubs. "

Amara:*I nodded my head, still smiling* "I don't think you could've water boarded that out of her she'd hate you forever."

Grayson:"She already hates me."He smiles*


Grayson:"But thats exactly my point. You date me they won't be able to send you away faster."

Amara:*he does have a point my parents do hate him they are uptight people who don't like mess or unorganised people who go with flow which is exactly Grayson and it could work but what would we do, how far would we take this and why would Gray do this he doesn't like me I mean he doesn't necessarily hate me but we're not gonna go skipping down the board walk holding hands together anytime soon. So many questions and not enough answers, my head is spinning so i just ask the most obvious question.* "What would you get out of this?"

Grayson:*he shrugs* "Your brother who was supposed to be my best friend stole my girlfriend I don't what her back or anything but nothing will piss him off more than this, it was always his one rule *imitates Oscar* no dating my little sister or else got it. Guess I should have said no dating my girlfriend either, huh?" *He chuckles a little*

Amara:"I'm sorry about him."

Grayson:*Shrugs* "it's whatever I'm over it"

Amara:"You don't seem like you're over it."

Grayson:"Well, I am. Now, do we have a deal or?"

Amara:*smirks a little*

Omg I love this I've been listening to 18 by Anarbor on repeat for the past 3 days cause of that one Matt Sturniolo edit ifykyk and this is totally stealing from things I've watched/read The Kissing Booth, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, Twisted Hate and others stories I've written but I don't care anyway ima stop blabbering ENJOY<33

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