A Schemer<3 (Stefan, Klaus, Girl)

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Stefan, during his 1920s, rendezvous drank from a certain 5'5 brunette girl who holds grips on grudges like the statue of liberty holds her torch. Late one evening, Amara was wandering around the streets of The Windy City when she ran into a handsome, dashing man with amazing hair (Hero hair) they started chatting, and next thing you know, she's in a alley way clavicle open and dripping crimson. Stefan had compelled her not to scream or run and went to town, leaving her almost dead but not actually dead healing her with his blood, no one wants the news to get wind of a trail of bodies that would lead the vampire hunters straight to him and he was having to much fun. Little did he know that would come back around to bite him in the neck (Pun intended i know its bad hush). Amara managed to stumble out of the alleyway, looking for help only to be hit by a car snapping her neck resulting in her death, she was presumed dead, but when she woke up on a metal slab in the city's local morgue she remembered everything Stefan, his fangs, his compulsion, the blood and she wanted revenge. He took her life away from her for what a little fun she was engaged to a man she actually loved. She had a nice job and beautiful life, but no, he ripped it away in seconds. So she spent the next 40 years scheming, planning, making sure everything was in the right spot so she could rip it away from him as he did her so what happens when she meets a charming young British men at a local ball and they are both can benefit from helping eachother, he needs to catch a girl that stole, ran from him and ruined his plan, she needs to destroy man that stole her life. For the next couple of days, they worked together to make a plan, an agreement take down Stefan Salvatore and break the sun and moon curse while also chasing this thief. Once Niklaus had told Amara the whole story about what happened with this girl she felt a bit uneasy about the whole situation this girl didn't really do anything to him but once he told her who it was Amara was on board with no doubts. Katerina Petrova destroyed her village when she was 9 taking her parents, 2 brothers and a baby sister in her wake so it doesn't matter if Niklaus's reason were ridiculous Katerina deserved everything that is coming for her so be it Amara thinks to herself. Decades go on, and they become closer, not only their tasks kept them together anymore not that they weren't still chasing Katerina in their free time or watching Stefan waiting for the perfect time to hit which hadn't presented it self yet in 40 years because Stefan's life is boring, simple and plain hes always in hiding all the time I think in guilt for everything he did but it doesn't matter the point still holds he took Amara's life and he's gonna pay no matter how many tears he sheds or liquor bottles he purchases... or children he teaches to read he's still evil. It's November 23rd, 2008, and a plan is finally being in motion after so many years of putting it off and deflecting its all falling into place. Stefan has a cushy life he's made up with his brother, he's got friends, he has his blood lust problem under control, and he's with the love of his life Elena Gilbert perfect life... to take from him. The plan is simple Amara is gonna go in pretending to be Katherine Pierces younger sister (Katerina Petrova) she'll become his friend and slowly chip away at his sanity first we'll start off slow just placing blood in secret places so he hoes a little stir crazy, I'll take his friends, turn his brother against him again, take the love of his life and give her to Klaus of course so he can complete his ritual, then I'll be the only one left standing by him which is when I'll pull the rug out from under him voila simple right.

Amara POV:
Tonight is the annual Mystic Falls Masquerade Ball, which I'll be in attendances of in a luscious emerald green, sparkley, strapless dress with the perfect gold stilettos, emerald green silk gloves and matching emerald jewellery with edgings of gold plus a handy mask to cover up my face not that the asshole would remember me anyway. I descend from the stairs down to see if Klaus approves, not that it'd matter if he didn't. I could care less about a man's opinion, but you know, get into a matte black limo that'll take me straight to the ball a town over. We've settled in a grand mansion that would make a princess's jaw drop (Continues to explain vivdly what it looks like in amazing details hope you liked it). I arrive at the ball and get out of the limo, stepping onto the red carpet sprawled on the floor, leading you to the doorway in luxury. Here goes nothing, I enter the ball heels clicking on the ground, glasses clinking and lovely 1930s classical music playing in the background. I look around for Stefan he is the whole reason I'm here when someone bumps into the apologies profusely before settling on me with a handshake. "Hello, I'm Stefan Salvatore, and you are?" he says with that polite smile, making my eye twitch keep cool, girl. I extend my hand, shaking his hand as it encapsulates mine in warmth. "Amara Sinclair, lovely to make your acquaintance Mr Salvatore." I say, smile present on my face, but the fire in my eyes he has no has is a danger to him and so the game begin...

Okay so a few things to address ignore that I switch from me telling a story to her POV and I originally started the story around Stefan's rippah era but as I continued I didn't like that I made him evil and I was gonna destroy his life but I'd already written heaps so I kept writing him but in my head it's Damon not Stefan AND I got lazy by the end obviously so ignore that and any spelling mistakes i suck at typing and am to lazy to edit it. The plan is more epic in my head. I'm just as I said to lazy to write it out and I think that's it oh and he's obviously she'll end up with Klaus. ANYWAY hope you enjoyed byeee<33

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