My Fighting *Fake* Fiancè<3

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***Disclaimer I use Amara for the character everytime***

Amara's boyfriend took her to a fight club. They're currently waiting for 2 new people to be picked to fight when all of sudden a finger lands in her direction she's not comprehending it at first but when she realises she's confused I mean why the hell is there a finger just being pointed at her "what?" the man in the middle replies "you're up" motioning for her to come forward with his hand she then starts chuckling "funny" she looks around and no one is laughing she then thinks they are being for real "ok ha ha jokes over" and she looks at her boyfriend who she came with and he just looks away she looks back at the man and she starts to panick "no no no I can't fight wait no correction I DON'T fight" the man in the middle continues to say that at this fight club if u come u have to be willing to fight if the finger lands on you your up no disgustion.

Amara looks at her boyfriend. "Alex!" she says looking at her boyfriend and he just shrugs "sorry babe rules are rules" "no" she scoffs "no you didn't tell me this" she says mad and in shock he replies with "i- I yes I did when we- you know doing that uh thing" he says nervous "no no I can't fight- I don't fight." she says, looking around the room panicked ,everyone watching when all of a sudden some man emerges from outta the shadows "love calm down. " she stops talking, startled, and looks up."Calm down? u want me to calm down! this man is an asshole *points at her boyfriend" and liar. I can barely comprehend *points to herself* what's going. I have to fight El Pacho over here *gestures to the very scary looking man in the middle of the circle* and you want me to calm down!" she snaps some ooos from the crowd, then he responds,"Sorry sweetheart, everyone fights. " "yeah well call me a nobody cause it ain't happenin" she says with sas. He thinks then gestures for her to come with him turns around and starts walking shes confused at first but follows him through the middle of the circle to the other side and through a door were she sees the guy leaning against his desk she looks at him "close the door" he says nodding his head towards the door she looks behind her at door but complies anyways she turns back to looking at him and takes a deep breath "so... what do you want?" she says shrugging he looks at her like are you for real "what do I want?I want u to fight" she looks at him and scoffs "1 I don't fight 2 u guys can't make me fight and 3 have u seen that guy out there making me fight him would probably be the boringest fight you've ever held I mean u wouldn't even be able to call it a fight" "she's kinda right" this deep man voice comes outta no where and then all of a sudden a man appears from the corner "OK CAN y'all stop doing that!" she's jumped when he spoke the man leaning against the desk chuckles "you may be right *him giving her a false sense of hope* but you still have to fight" she replies "WHAT!! why!? u literally just said it yourself this fighg would suck i mean everyone could predict what'll happen" "yeah but sweetheart the rules are there for a reason and u must follow them" she scoffs, crossed her arms and rolls her eyes "right like you follow the rules,*she kinda whispers* when have you followed the rules a day a in your life" she's basically spitting venom "what do you know about me?" he says smiling kinda offended but also intrigued "Please I don't live under a rock I know exactly who you are *she says looking at the desk man* and I know exactly who you are" *she says turning her eyes to the man in the corner now leaning against a wall* the man on the desk chuckles "Please *he gestures and looks at his friend* inform us on who we are" then looks back at her she breaths in then sighs "you're Grayson Sinclair son of Jason Sinclair most powerful mafia boss in New York a cocky playboy who doesn't think the law applies to him first killed at 11 and if I recall right *she puts a finger on her chin pretending to think* first victim Lily Sinclair his baby sister *the guy in the corner goes to get up but grayson stops him with a wave if the hand he wants to know what else she'll say* body count in the 100s I don't know how you wanna interpret that but trust me either way it's accurate" she turns to look at the man in the corner "you're Ace Gold but according to God you're Gabriel Christian Rodriguez, Grayson Sinclair's right hand man, best friends since he got a mind of his own you flirt with everyone in sight but when someone takes you up on it you run for the hills, you act all tough but deep down you're a mommy's boy who's dad left to get the milk and never came back literally because he died tryna rob the store you have a 4 younger siblings Roxanna aka Roxy shes 11 but don't let her age full you she can give you a run for your money then there's Benny or does Lydia come first oh wait no Celia comes before all of them she's 13 oh man I bet you're having fun with that THEN there's 7 year old Benny and baby Lydia she's 2 but none the less after taking care of all of them you still have time to hang out with this douchbag" *Turns back to grayson* "should I keep going or?"I think that should suffice," he replies. "So can I go now? cause I'm gonna be late..." she says and Ace replies "to what your spa appointment" he says pissed "no actually my job you know those things people do so they can live" she says and he looks at her pissed like he's about to say something else but then Grayson cuts in "no you can't leave" "oh cmon on baby Sinclair this game isn't so fun if I keep winning" she replies "you still needa fight" "as I said earlier I may be able to win an argument but I ain't throwing fists" she says and he replies "you can't or you won't?" he says with a mischievous but questioning smirk on his face, shee curious he has something up his sleeve, and she wants to know she scoffs."What do u mean, won't? have you looked at me! I can't fight" she says "you know I was thinking while your were rambling on" he tilts his head a little "you're not the only one with a memory" she scoffs and replies "Of course i know that, I'm not an idiot what are you up to Grayson!?" she says," you're not an idiot? cause I would've thought Benjamin Decker's daughter would be a lot more smart than to go around blabbing her mouth somewhere she doesn't belong" he says pushing himself off the desk and walking towards 'asserting dominance' she swallows hard. Read to find out what happens...

he makes her a deal she doesn't have to fight if she agrees to be his fake fiance until his grandma dies which according to the doctors is only a couple days what happens when a couple days becomes a couple weeks and before you know it she's been there for months and getting a little to comfy in her new life.

So you see, not all of them will have dialogue, and by the end, I got annoyed by typing and told y'all what I decided, but be free to leave your own endings.

Thanks for reading<3

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