The Robbery (Victim)<3

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I was in a jewellery store robbery today. One of the men held me at gunpoint and made us all strip to just our undergarments to keep us from running, I'm guessing. I've never felt more violeted in my life. I was freaking out on the inside but I don't freak out I'm the composed one so I pushed on I gave my statement to the police and went home I had a shower a long shower, then i cleaned my bathroom head to toe in a towel because i thought it was dirty then I had 3 more showers to get all the ickyness off from today and I still felt disgusting, i recorgnized my entire closet, every dresser, every draw down to my jewellery draw until i froze remembering everything that had happend today and threw it all in the trash i went into my bathroom and gathered all of my other jewellery and chucked that out to i never really liked it anyway those clasps are to damn small. The maid offered to do all of what i did she insisted actually thinking Nico would have a heartache knowing his perfect polished wife had cleaned a toilet but i didnt care I'd explain it to him later all i wanted to do was clean i said its cause I'm fussy I like things a certain way and not that thats fully a lie it but does cover up the real reason to keep myself occupied so I don't breakdown. I'm in the middle of cleaning my walk in closet literally in the middle of it surround by fluffy pink frills and a 3 inch stiletto heels that sparkle more than Nico's car when I hear my door handle turned and my door flung open I whip my head around at the noise but as I go to get up to investigate I hear a familiar raspy voice. "Amara? Where are you?" he says out of breathe and if it wasn't Nico, I'd say i detected worry in his voice. "In here," I say loud enough for him to hear, nothing near a yell it wasn't supposed to come out that quiet. Nico stands at the wardrobe entrance, rich black hair tossled, and his normally composed wardrobe, a mess wrinkled black pants, and a white dress shirt with only  2 buttons actually done. "Someone was in a hurry" I say suggesting to his outfit looking like something he slept in or got off the floor he enters the wardrobe walking on some of the clothes outside shoes and all "Hey!" I say, gesturing my hand at him to get off the clothes, but i can't say much they are on the floor, he ignores me."Are you okay?" I look up at him confusion on my face "Of course I'm okay" "What do you mean of course like you weren't just" he cuts himself off and breaths rubbing a hand on his temple clearly frustrated by the circles under his eyes I'd say he didnt get much sleep last night like wise the robbery happend yesterday but it felt like it was seconds ago I still feel like I'm standing outside the store, fire blanketed wrapped around my almost naked body only covered with my undergarmenst and a police jacket cause my clothes were evidence like what I'm the only one who touched them, the police officer tryna ask me questions. Nico's frantic worrying brings me back from my thoughts. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay? Did the medic say you could go, or did you just leave? i know how stubborn you are?" he keeps shooting questions off, and I just tune him out. The jewellery store is owned by his company, so someone would've notified him after the uh... incident - wait, my own thoughts get cut off as my my mind goes to early him walking all over my clothes shoes and all he has shoes on! I looked up at him, shocked, ignoring the questions about the jewellery store. "You have shoes on!? " I say shocked and confused. Nico may be New york born and bread but his adopted grandmother as I call her really his old nanny. She's korean, so she taught him to take off his shoes every time he entered a household. Even if he wasn't korean, it still kept the house clean-ish. She's been with him since he was 4 shes all Nico has really known he even brought her into his house when he moved out not as a nanny but cook she's always been a great cook or so he told me I wasn't here when she was so I never got to experience it but according to Nico it tastes like heaven and coming from thats a high praise. She got dementia about 4 years back and hasn't been the same since Nico apprantley got even colder as if minus 100 wasn't cold enough. About 4 months into her dementia she no longer resided in the house he had to move into an aged care facility because it got so bad he was never home anyway so it wasn't much difference and he in fact goes and vistors her once a month not that he'll admit that but we all know. Even tho shes no longer in the house that doesn't stop him from taking his shoes off and making everyone else do it everytime they walked through his door he doesn't do it at others houses because that'd be to hard to explain Nico showing emotions wasn't normal. He shakes his head slightly a worried look on his stone cold face "Don't you understand Amara you scared me" he says vain and sympathy both going over his face at once I smile softly "Well I'm fine so everything's ok" he never goes inside with his shoes in I know this may sound dramatic but Koreans are very serious about this Nico just as if he was full hanbok wearing Korean huh I must have really scared him but taht doenst make sense cause he's made it explicitly clear the only emotions Nico Vaughns has are anger, boredness, horror and somtimes lust but never worry let alone fear I cock an eyebrow up a grin tugging at my lip standing up so I'm not infrny of him still 7 inches away from his face bit closer than I am from the floor my cockiness coming back "Mr Vaughn are worried about me?" I put a dramatic hand on my chest, and his face hardens agaim going back to its natural look. I chuckle a little. I love getting a rise out of him it always makes me feel better. "This isn't a joke Amara" and there goes my betterness (not a word idc) my face falls into shock but I keep my composure "I know its not a joke" "Then why are you acting like it is. You were held at gunpoint. Amara, you could've been killed, so why are you rearranging what frill goes next to what feather? " he says, towering over me, his anger showing and his fists balled. My anger bubbles up. "Because I have to!" I snap for the first time, and he looks at me a little shocked that i snapped at him. i never do that. He doesn't say anything before i continue "Because if I stop and think about what happened, what could've happen all the what ifs i" I choke, my tears are threatening to fall and my hands are shaking they always do that when I get mad, scared. He realises his mistake and hisbface falls into sympathy, his voice softens, and he rests his hand on my shoulders. "It's okay to cry, Amara." I look up into his eyes. "You went through a traumatic event, and I know you hold things in, but I'll never ever judge you for letting go. Everybody needs it once and awhile, " he says, more demanding."Do you understand?" my eyes stilled locked with his I slightly nod my head frown visable on my face, he's pulls me into a right embrace and I let every tear, every muscle, eveeythung I had been holding in out and he does is stroke my head, hold me tight and tell me to let it all out. I think I've finally let every tear I could possible own out when I pull away a little just so I can look up at him "Nico" I say quietly but enough so he could hear he looks at me his eyes as soft as his words "What is it, amor?"I don't think I like jewellery anymore. "...

I didn't grammar check🤷‍♀️ but do with this what you will<333

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