Brothers Best Friend (Again)<3

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My mother and step father are going out of town for their 5 year anniversary trip to paris leaving me behind and I thought it'd be fine until my creepy older step brother curtsy of my step fathers 2nd wife shows up unannounced from college a college I know was bought to let that airhead in theres no way he got into Stanford on his greasy smile and payed SAT scores. He arrived after they've left so I don't know what to do he's usually civil when he comes home but that's only for the hoildays or when he needs money and even then my step father is always there to keep him in line. Carlos may be a terrible person, but he does not tolerate insubordination well insubordination he can see cause I know firsthand some of the cruel, disgusting things Carlos has gotten CJ out of there was the robbery of Mr Hulmatch's, the killing of the Gardner's cat, public intoxication, he even stalkered a girl for a few months CJ doesn't take rejection well so when she denied him he ruined her reputation so badly her family had to move to Spain, to many DUIs to keep track one resulting in hospitalisation of him and the other guy which of course he payed off letting Carlos Junior get off scot free oh yeah he named his son after himself I think you can get some perspective of Carlos' personality just from that so I wouldn't put it past him to be a creep either but when I called my mom to tell her she didn't answer me and I couldn't tell Carlos cause he wouldn't care he'd just say 'it's his house to' in his annoying high pitched voice I swear I do not understand how a man can have such a high voice.

Ok so basically he does prove he's a creep and she has to get out of there so she goes to a hotel in the city cause they live in the suburbs the rich suburbs of course but you know and theres no hotels for awhile plus itd be better to be as far away from him as she could. She doesn't have any friends or any family in the area cause they moved a few months ago and you know schools especially rich kids all snobs so she's been basically a loner for a few months which she hasn't regretted until now when she had no were to run to except a hotel.

She has an older brother a biological one, he's in college somewhere in Switzerland but you know who isn't his best friend he infact very conviently moved to Chicago a few years ago instead of going to college to open a tech company (he's not as nerdy as he sounds) I know his company is called Vaughn Industry Incorporated aka VII (pronounced V-ee) but I haven't heard from him since he left 3 years ago after graduation I mean I don't blame him his mom left when he was 5 and his dad is a dead beat drunk so if I was him I'd run too except I'd run alot further than Boston to Chicago just a quick 3 hour flight away from eachother now you may be wondering why im telling you about this man well because he's right in front of me he spotted me at the front desk asking for a room apprantley he owns this hotel along with several others I don't know why I don't even think he knows but he can buy them so he did cause he's rich, millionaire rich, hoilday house in the Hamptons rich at 21 if I knew tech could get you so rich I wouldn't have wasted my time on design just joking I'd suck tech anyway back to my brothers old but not technically old, tall 6ft2, handsome you think I'm gonna say dark but I'm not cause cause he's tanned like always the perfect sun tan too this girl is jealous, with perfect natural white teeth that brings out the most beautiful smile, a few freckles sprawled over his nose and hair that is to die for it's dark, rich, brown, middle parted, fluffy hair that could even make a straight man swoon and that man is standing right infront of me and inviting me to stay with him for the summer... (His name is Zayn Vaughn btw)

I'm 17, and I have my birthday in 2 months it's halfway through the year, aka july, so we're on summer break, and the colleges are on spring break, which is obviously why creepazoed is home. Zayn is 21 if you handt done the math she's almost 18 but I had to keep her un school for the story to work, so shush about the age difference and I have no clue why the mom didn't answer her phone I didn't come up with a reason this is rushed anyway luvs byeee<333

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