Chapter 44.... Avery's POV

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RowanLaufeyson1 for liking The Shadows so much ;) xx

Avery's POV

“Mummy” a little girl screamed out to me as Ryan picked her up and spun her around. I felt the giggle leave my lips as I watched the scene. The little girl was beautiful with golden ringlets and green eyes that glittered in the summer sunlight.

Ryan put the little girl down grinning down at her as she fell from feeling dizzy before turning to face me. His eyes swam with love as he took me in. He slowly made his way to me hugging me tightly and kissing me forehead.

“You okay?” he whispered looking me over. “Are you tried?” he said as worry laced his words “Pack doctor said you should rest in your state!” he said taking my hands in his.

“What state is that?” I asked puzzled.

“You’re having a baby?” he said confused as he looked on at me in worry. I looked down to see my swollen belly under a white dress

“Oh” I said shaking my head.

“Mum” a deeper voice said from behind me I turned to see a little boy with black messy hair and yellow eyes. He was beautiful and I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“Sam” Ryan said greeting his son with pride filling his vision

“Just came to say Auntie Misty is here with Uncle Connor” the boy called Sam, my son said to us before walking off. He looked about 12 years old. Soon to be shifting


The sound suddenly shattered my perfect dream.


It was like a constant drum that was bring me back to somewhere dark and lonely.


I didn’t want to go back. I wanted to see my daughter and son; Sam grow up. I wanted to see my unborn child.


The sound was steady. Then...

Ryan’s POV

We got her out. That was all that mattered but right now her heart beat was decreases and she was falling from my grips. I couldn’t let me die. Tears ran down my cheeks in hot streams.

“Avery, hold on” I begged “you need to live baby. You need to live for Sabrina the little girl we are going to have and the little boy.” I cried running to the parked cars.

“Connor” I screamed

“Yes Alpha” he came running with Misty on his back fear growing in her eyes as she watched my mate slipping away from us.

“We need to get her back to the pack doctor now!” I shouted as Turlough came running with Gracey and an old man in tow.

“Turlough you drive” I shouted as he hopped in the front.

“Yes Alpha”

“The rest of you get in the other cars” I shouted as we set off. “And make sure Rohanna is okay” I shouted to them looking down at my mate.

Please be okay

Connor’s POV

I had my mate safe in my arms; I couldn’t help the smile that escaped on my lips when her head rested on my lap.

“Hurry Aaron” she muttered as she drifted off into a deep sleep.

“Shhh” I said to her stroking her blue hair which turned a pale bubblegum pink under my touch. I smiled again kissing her head (it went a bright red).

“Is she a sleep” Aaron asked when the snoring started a grin plastered to his face.

“Yeah” I said

“It has been a long day for all of us” Riley said looking over her shoulder at me a small but sad smile played on her lips. That’s when it hit me

“I am so sorry Riley. I forgot” I said smacking my head.

“What I don’t get it” Aaron said confused written all over his face.

“It is fine Connor. I understand you have had a little more on your mind than my past” she laughed with no humour.  

“Tell me what’s going on Riley! I have known you for ages!” Aaron said “Quinn would want me...Oh my God” Aaron started out but then started banging his head off the wheel.

“AARON” Riley screamed as we nearly hit a tree!

“Sorry” he muttered recovering in time to save all our lives.

“I forgot too and he was my best mate” he said as a tear escaped his eyes and Riley batted it away.

“It is okay” she sighed “When we get back I just want to be on my own for a while to remember him” she sighed a tear creeping down her pale face. How could I have forgotten the death of my best friend’s mate’s death? Today was the day Riley lost her mate.

The day Riley became a power shift. The day when she went mad!

So I have updated! What do you think! I felt really sad writing this bit about Riley’s mate :( poor Riley!






The Alone GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora