Chapter 12.... Avery's POV

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If you don't like blood maybe you should skip this bit? It is not that bad but if you don't maybe not a good idea! I'm going to rate this as PG-13 but I don't know if it has so I'm going to put it here as well :DDD

The video on the side is what her brother is kind of saying >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

check it out after you read this chapter then you should get it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Avery's POV past....

I felt the hit before I saw it. It was like a tone of bricks. I felt the blood makes its way from my mouth to my new white top that I had brought with what little money I had. I felt the blade press against my wind pipe. I felt the sickness in her voice.

"You ungrateful bitch. We have clothed you, fed you...We done every thing for you. We got you a fucking man who was willing to marry such a fucking ugly girl and how do you repay us by saying no to him. 'no I will not marry you Mr Kendrick I want to wait for the right man...' He is a fucking alpha who lost his mate. He was going to make you Luna!!! You fucking bitch!" My mother shouted in my ear. The knife pressed harder into her neck. I could feel the stinging as blood trickled down my long pale neck. I felt the wave of dizziness.There was so much blood from one small cut across my neck.

I could see the amusement in the faces of my so called family as they watched my mother press the knife to my throat.

They always said she was handy with a knife. No I knew why. I hated them so much. I hated them with every inch of my body I felt I could do anything.

Don't worry Avery! Be strong! I love you! Morrigan said to me as tear slid down my cheeks.

"Awww crying like a baby. I don't know why the Triple Goddess blessed you with the wolf and not to Dorcha or Logan! My son and daughter are beautiful! You are far from it!" Her words hurt more that the knife. My wolf was getting pissed more than ever. I felt she had had enough. She suddenly took over my body.

I was pushed back. It was like listening to a recording of your own voice.

"You dare judge Avery on who she is! You need to look at yourself slut!" My wolf bloomed. We had not shifted she had merely pushed my control back and was using my body like a puppet. She was watching out for me. She was strong and brave unlike me.

"Oh heres the great wolf its self!" My father added cause a growl to escape my blood covered lips.

"Fuck off!" Was all Morrigan said to him. His face fell when he herd her say that and I couldn't help but laugh in my mind. He feared everything!

I felt my mother back hand me. "Don't speak to your father like that!" I looked over at Logan. I could see guilt but he soon covered it up with a smirk.

When we were little I use to read to him. He was a two years younger than me. He use to stick up for me but now something had changed he hated me. They had got to him. I wanted my old brother back!

I cried for my loss! What had I done to these people?

My mother turned my around to face her. She was always the evil bitch I thought grimly. She grabbed my chin and made me look into her redish eyes.

"Do you hear me! Don't speak to your father like that!" She shouted it at me like I was dumb. Which they always said I was. I knew that for a fact was a lie. I understood alot more than they did. Like you can't trust anyone only your wolf! I looked her dead in the eye.

"What father?" I said in the calmest, smothest and coldest voice I could.

She lent me go dropping to the cool tiled floor of our kitchen. There was blood everywhere. She kicked me hard before turnng to go. I felt myself sigh. Well that was so bad. They had done a lot worse.

I melt iron in the air before everything turned the darkest black. This was not good. What would they do to me when I was out cold? Fear washed over me in a great wave.


I woke to fnd myself in my room. It was dark and cold like always. Someone had changed me in clean clothes and put me in bed. Who? A blanket lay over me but it did nothing to keep the chill out.

I shivered before I sat up. As I looked around the room I called home I saw a back pack on the desk that held nothing on normally. I then saw a shape of my brother Longan on a chair watching my every move. Fear gripped my gut. Was he coming to finish what mother had started?

"Avery you have to leave!" He spoke in a low tone. His eyes never leaving the night stand where a picture of me and him lay.

"Why?" I whispered. He suddenly got up.

"They will kill you!" I nodded."Tonight you leave. There is what little stuff you have. GO NOW! I'm only here to say good bye and sorry!" The last bit was a whispher I think only to himself. He was sorry for what they had done. What he had done. Well that not good enough anymore brother.

I grabbed the back pack before running to the window. I opened it. A cool air burst in and a pale moonlight bathed my already plae skin. I smiled smelling the deep earth. I turned to the sad face of my brother.

"Good bye Brother!" I said before jumping out of the window. I landed and hit a fast run. I shifted in mid step.

The people who had hurt me the most could die in hell.

I felt like a weighted had been left as I run into the lonely woods.

I had a future.....

I was free....

I was at one with my wolf.....

I was The Alone Girl....


I hope you you like this chapter. It was all set in the past. It is what happen to Avery before the story. Tell me what you thought of it....

Also who's POV do you want next? It is up to you :)

Sorry for any mistakes and thank you for voting so much. I love you all ;)

VOTE, COMMENT, FAN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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