Chapter Nine: Lost and in Love

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Chapter Nine: Lost and in Love

Rohanna's POV

I couldn't find Avery anywhere in the pack house. Fear was bubbling inside me I never should have left her on her own.

Fionnoula can you feel her wolf? I asked her as I felt worry in my heart. I hope she hadn't gone without telling me. A small tear escaped my blue eyes.

No her wolf is shut off from everyone. Ask Ryan?


'Ryan?' I sent my message out to him. It didn't matter how far away your Alpha was you could always send a message to them in less something was stopping it get to them and that would have to be powerful! The other wolves said a mates bond was stronger. I had heard so much about mates:

 You couldn't live without them when you had seen them. If they left you, you would die from the heart break. That they would love you no matter what. I couldn't wait to find mine. Fionnoula told me that she has fallen in love with her mate at the beginning of time. She says he is Strong, brave but kind. She won't tell me his name but she said I would know him as soon as I see him.

I couldn't wait to meet Ryan's mate. I hope she was nice and sweet like Avery. My wolf giggled at that thought. Why? If you have ever heard a wolf giggle then you would know why I was freaked out.

'What Rohanna!' Ryan's voice snapped at me making me flinch at his harsh tone.

'Do you know where Avery is?' I said as anger started to boil in my chest. I hated it when people shouted at me. I was the daughter of an Alpha!

'She’s with me, Okay?'

'Gracey won't be happy!' I snapped back before blocking him from my mind. How dare he talk to me like that? For god sake we were equal at the moment. Yes he was next in line but father had never treated him different from me but he seems to suddenly think it was alright to shout and snap at me.

Sometimes I feel like he hates me.

Ryan's POV

'Gracey won't be happy!' Rohanna snapped at me before blocking me out.

I didn't mean to snap at her but she had got me at the wrong time. Avery had been sleep talking again. I had put her down by the willow again thinking she wouldn't like to be way from it. She trusted me enough to fall asleep but she seemed to love this tree so I let her stay here tonight but only tonight.

The only thing that was wrong now was Gracey. Like Rohanna said she won't be happy. She had gotten in her head that we were mates. She thought I was going to make her Luna. I didn't do anything to put her straight so I guess it was my fault but what about Avery?

I was not going to pick Gracey over Avery! She was my mate but I didn't want to hate Gracey. I knew she was a bit of a bitch to the rest of the pack. I was starting to hate her but that didn't mean I wanted to hate her.

I felt sorry for her! Her old pack had told she was beautiful and stuff. They used that beauty to get what they want from people. People say someone with beauty can get whatever they want, well it is kind of true. Her pack told her to say to other male werewolves that were mate-less that she was their mate. She would get money from them and then leave. She tried it on Turlough but he is not stupid like other males who wanted nothing more than their mate. 

Everyone knew Turlough wanted his mate. He had found her a few years ago. He said she had short black hair. She was small and slim. He said she was beautiful but he also said she ran from him.

She had a boyfriend he said to me when he had come back from his trip to London. It broke his heart. He would sit in his room and watch the world go by kind of like my father. Rafela said he was fine but he would be like for the next few weeks, maybe months or even years. She said it was heart break.

Rohanna got him out of the black hole he was in, like my father. She could do that to people make them happy when they saw no light at the end of the tunnel. I think she has a power. I think she is a gifted werewolf. Like mother...

Maybe she was a power Shifter...


I know it short and stuff! (Sorry)

I'm glad so many people are reading!! I hope everyone is having a good Easter. I hope you got lots of chocolate eggs (in less you can't have chocolate) :3

Sorry for any mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love



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