Chapter 45...

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Chapter 45....

Avery’s POV

The pain of being forced to live on felt deathly I couldn’t deal with the pain for much longer. My forearm burnt and my heart was heavy with guilt, I didn’t want to live I wanted to go through the sliver curtain to see what it was like. What was behind there?

“Avery, hold on” His voice was clear through the blackness this was where I had to wait in till they could push me back into my body. I couldn’t feel anything. See anything. Smell anything. I could even feel my wolf anymore. Is this what death felt like? I hoped not. It was so lonely here. I was trapped in the blackness.

How would they remember me? Would I be remembered as the girl who ran away and got herself killed? Or maybe I would be remembered as the girl who broke an Alpha’s heart? I hoped they would remember me as a simple girl who liked to be alone. I was the Alone girl.

“Avery please hold on if not for me then for our family that we could have!” his voice pled with me. My heart fluttered in my chest was that a good thing? Was it nearly over? The fear of being alone was growing more and more staying in this black pit of nothing!        Was I really the Alone girl?

“I love you” he whispered in despair. That is when it all happened. The sharp pain and the never ending blackness, I was goner! I was slipping away from everything I loved and I didn’t know where I was going.

I love you too I wanted to scream it, shout it to him but I couldn’t!

Ryan POV

“She going to be okay” someone said to me gently but I couldn’t listen. My mate was dying because of a head injury!

“We don’t know how much damage there is to the brain. We’ll have to send her for a head C.T scan and maybe an MRI too” the doctor said to me. “At the moment she is just concussion but her heart rate is lower than normal for a werewolf so that could be cause for concern.” She went on “But right now all we can do is observe her condition to see if it worsens” she gave me a sad expression before going back into the room where my mate lay all in white with wires and machines attached to her.

A low beep sound told me she was still alive.

“How is she?” Connor’s voice broke me out of my thoughts as he sat next to me.

“She’s in ICU” I said in a monotone voice. “They don’t know what wrong right now so they are doing some tests. They think that because she’s a werewolf it might help” I explained. We were in a hospital built by a werewolf, most of the doctors were werewolves and they know how to treat both humans and werewolves alike.

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