Chapter 30.... Rohanna's POV

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WARNING POV changes a lot in this chapter! Watch out for it!!! COMMENT VOTE AND FAN PLEASE!!!! Should I do a next book? Or leave it at one?


This was so cool! I had powers!

"Is that a good thing?" I asked as I tried to cover up my worry. Was I normal? If not do I even have a mate? Is that why everyone apart from Misty and Avery treat me different. I had always felt alone.

"Yes and no. There should be no such thing as power shifters but there is!" She explained. I loved Misty. See always seemed to understand me. She had no one. Her father died and then her mother kicked her out. Her mother was a part of this pack and when she kicked Misty out, Misty came to Ryan who helped her. Her mother is still in the pack but Misty is higher up in the pack. "You really should develop powers when your wolf shows itself. Soon I will have to tell the king. I have kept it off. I should have told him when you first started showing the signs of power. The king would have thought you were a danger so I didn't. You were no harm but your powers are showing...... err.... well they aren't just affecting the pack. Humans seem to affected and other werewolves too. When you were younger it only seemed to be the pack the powers worked on so the Elders and the power shifters in our pack agreed to let this development are hidden from the king."

"Misty... Will my powers become stronger? Will I be able to control them?" I asked. I was getting scared. What if they lock me up! I was only 10!

"I don't know sweet! But I'm going to inform the king when you turn 11 next week! Okay? You should be old enough to be sent to the school if they wish. He may want you to be sent to him in till you are 13 or shift and then send you to the school! Do not worry Rohanna he is a lovely man! He has a daughter of around your age and a son about 2 years older than you." She said. I don’t want to be sent away! I hoped and prayed to the triple goddess they would not send me away. It would be down to Avery and Ryan anyway. They would say if I went or not. In less the king really wanted me!


"Rohanna it would be like a holiday! Anyway who said he was going to send you away? Now go play!" Misty ordered and I obeyed. I ran out of the house and into the woods. I felt a burning in my chest. My wolf wanted out! But I could not let her run as we had never shifted.

Fionnoula what is wrong? I asked my wolf.

I don't know! I want to run and be free. There is this burning. She explained to me. I felt a pain like someone pushing a knife very slowly into my gut. There was something wrong. I fell to the dirt covered ground because of the pain. Everything was going red then blue suddenly I felt a sharp bolt of power in my arm. It run right to my arm. I looked down to my hand were it lay on the woodland floor. It had turned bright red. It looked like someone had split blood or some other red liquid on my hand.

It burned like fire. What was going on? I felt my heart skip a beat as I watched my right hand in shock. The pain increased. I screamed but no one would hear me in here. I was in the woods. The house was sound proof and no one came into the woods at this time. They would be eating or chatting. Was I going to die here? The pain was that bad I wish for death to take me. I did not know what was happening to me! Fionnoula would not answer my calls and the pain was in increasing by each tick of the invisible clock.

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