Chapter 18....Avery's POV

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I changed as fast as I could.

Morrigan? I asked her but there was no answer. I could still feel her hurt but she also wanted to here what Ryan had to say.

I took a deep breath and then his scent hit me. I hadn't really paid attention to it before at least not that I could remember. It smelled of cinnamon and chocolate? Whatever it smelled like it was like heaven. I could breath it in all day!

  I took in another deep breath before opening the door. I looked out to an empty room. Where was he? I felt a sudden cold shiver and saw that the door to the balcony was open. I slowly walked out to see Ryan look out to the woods. I watched him for sometime before he turned to me. I smiled but his face was blank. Why was I mad with him again?

Was I over reacting?

"I understand you don't want me...." He began in a low voice.

"I never said that..." I tried to say but he cut me off.

"Just hear me out first?" I nodded "I didn't mean to hurt you but I also need to show my pack I was not willing to let someone walk all over other pack mates."

"No wait! If you have opened your eyes lately, you would have seen that 'Gracey' has been picking on Rohanna! Your sister. " I had to say it.

"I didn't know about that...Gracey is hard to live with but..."

"No while you were all happy having a little girlfriend you failed to see that your girlfriend has been bullying Rohanna!"

"Why do you care about Rohanna so much?" anger leaked through his words.

"Because you never had a sister who thought you were worthless! You never had someone who has hit you for being alive! I have and you failed Rohanna as an Alpha and a brother!" I spat at him. I saw pain flash in his already pained eyes. It made me go soft but then I remembered.

"She is not my girlfriend for one! And two I'm sorry for everything that has happen!" He said gently.

"What the fuck! You make me want to scream! Why are you sorry?" I screamed at him before storming inside. I saw a sudden flash of light and heard the low rumble of thunder. The weather matched my mood perfectly. I felt power running thorugh my veins and the wind blowing through the open door. Whiping my blond hair. I felt jolts of electricity at my finger tips. What was going on?

I felt so powerful that I could throw the electricity at anything. I turned to face Ryan and his eyes had gone wide.

I then saw the night sky was calm but there was silver lighting and thunder. What was going on? I was starting to freak out.

"Avery? Do you know your eyes have gone pure white?" Ryan pointed out.

I saw black spots in front of me. I felt a sudden wave of dizziness and I felt sick. The power suddenly left me and I fell to the floor.

"AVERY!" I heard someone shout as I went once again into blackness.


I know its short but I wanted to know what I was going to write next. I sometimes write so much and then I have nothing to write about in the next chapter! (you may disagree ;) )

Tell me what you think! COMMENT VOTE AND FAN!!!

I hope you liked it!

Sorry for any mistakes.

Also what do you think is going on with Avery?



2 votes for the next chapter. I'm going to start writing it tonight (I think)


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