Chapter Six: Remembering

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hapter Six: Remembering

Ryan's POV

I looked at Avery’s beautiful smiling face. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Darcy was so happy to see his mate up and about. He wanted to mark and claim her as his own but we both knew that we couldn’t yet; I didn’t want to scare her off!

"Avery?" Rohanna said breaking out of my hug to run for my mate as we heard a low grumble from my mate’s stomach. I couldn’t help but smile as she blushed again pulling down the hem of my hooded top. I liked her in my clothes I noted and so did my wolf.

Rohanna took Avery's hands in her own small ones and started to pull her out of my room to god knows where. I growled at Rohanna taking my mate away but Rohanna just puzzled at me, she giggled before pulling Avery completely out of my room and out of my sight.

Avery's POV

Rohanna pulled me down the long, cream hallway and down the wooden stairs that creaked under our feet. Morrigan howled out wanting to be near Ryan's wolf but why? I had so many questions I wanted answering but none were. My wolf knew I could feel it.

What's going on Morrigan? Please tell me! I asked her.

You have to find out by yourself. I am sorry but I can't tell you yet. You would run and kill me while doing so!!! She simply said. I frowned trying to decode what she trying to tell me. Why did I have a wolf that was so complicated?

We had entered a living room, the walls were painted cream and brown and there were leather sofas and red rugs. It had a large flat screen TV on the wall. Pictures of lots of smiling faces were on the wall and on surfaces. It looked like a happy home. I noted the picture with Ryan and Rohanna in; most of the time they were with a man with frowns on his face but I saw one with a young boy and a beautiful red headed woman. They looked so much like Ryan but that was the only picture with the red headed woman.

"Avery this is the pack living room." Rohanna told me pulling me into a different room which was the kitchen. The walls were washed with little yellow and it was massive. There was a large oak table in the middle and a pair of double doors that led out to their large yard.

"Kitchen" she sang leading me back upstairs. We stopped at a white door with pink flowers painted on it, "this is my room!" She opened the door and pulled me in. The room was green and purple, there was a desk with a laptop, a book case, a king size bed and posters of boy bands all over her wall. I smiled as I looked around. Her room was like how I dreamed my room back at home would be like. Maybe not the boy bands but the rest was bright and colourful like Rohanna. I smiled at her.

"Do you like it?" She asked breaking me out of my dream land.

"Yeah it's beautiful! I love it!" I said grinning at her. Her face seemed to have brightened even more.

"Let me show you more of the house!!" Rohanna said grabbing my arm pulling me with her. She was strong for a girl of her age which ones ten.

"Are you a werewolf?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I have a wolf you mean. Yes her names Fionnoula but I have never shifted. My father says it is rare for there to be a female shifter but he believes I will be because my wolf has made herself known to me. When did you shift?" She said puffing her chest out in pride.

"When I was around 13 I think. I was the first werewolf in my family." I said bitterly remembering them.

"What? That can't be, you must have werewolf in your blood!" She said puzzling.

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