Chapter 19....Ryan's POV

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The guy in the middle with sunglasses is Turlough! I could find one without his band on there so that what he looks like! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I watched her hit the floor. I ran to her as I sent the orders to get Rafela down here.

"Avery I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you mad!" I picked her limp body off the floor and carried her out of her new room. Me and Darcy didn't want our hate mate in here on her own.

I put her onto my king size bed and pushed her long blond hair out of her face. I thought I heard her sigh but before I could think Rohanna ran in.

"Oh god! What have you done!" She screamed at me.

"Nothing! Stop being so loud!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered. I showed her a smile before waving her over. We both sat on the bed and watched her. I didn't understand what happen. There was lighting all around her and her eyes were pure white. I had never seen something as beautiful but completely unnatural! She scared the shit out of me but Darcy was overjoyed. I didn't know what to feel anymore.

After about an hour of me and Rohanna sitting watching Avery Rafela came in. 

"She just passed out. Her eyes went white and there was thunder and lighting on a clear night!" I rushed out jumping up when I saw her. She smiled and nodded before looking Avery over again.

"There nothing wrong with her. What so ever. Did she seem powerful?" Rafela asked looking up from Avery.

"Well yeah. It was like she was making it happen."

"Right. I think I know what happen but I have to see someone high than me. I need to talk to an elder of the BlueMoon pack! I will be back tomorrow night Alpha. If she wakes before I get back ring me. Okay?" I nodded and like that she was gone.

"What's going to happen Ryan?" Rohanna asked as I hugged her to me.


Yeah Ryan?

Can you come to my room?


Can you get Misty, Aaron and hollie too?

Yeah man! Anything!

A few mintures later they all walked in. Misty with her bright pink hair, Aaron and his orange hair, Turlough and his dirty blond hair and Hollie with her long brown hair.

"Hey!" Misty sang running over and hugging me. They were all my best friends. Misty loved hugging, Hollie loved to sing, Turlough was kind of the loner ever since his mate and Aaron well he was kind of the player.

"Whats up dude?" Aaron came over and stopped when he saw Avery. "Well that didn't take long. Got her in bed already?" He winked.

"Sister!" I pointed to Rohanna who gave a cheeky grin before leaving us to it.

"Who is she Ryan?" Hollie looked at Avery knowing something was wrong by the look in her eye.

"Yeah what's with the Rogue?" Turlough muttered. I growled at him for saying that. Who the it doesn't matter.

"She's hot!" Aaron suddenly said which made my growls louder. "Wow soz man!" He put his hands up before backing away a little.

"She's my mate!"


Sorry it is short again but I needed to write as someone has really pissed me off at school! So....

Sorry if it's crap but I needed something else to think about than being pissed off! :DD

Tell me what you think....


PLEASE You'll make me feel better? :DD

Sorry for any mistakes!!!



ps 4 votes for the next chapter? please?


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