Chapter 13...Ryan's POV

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Last time....

My head was so full of emotions. It was like a box room full of old junk that at any moment it would burst open and throw all the junk out. I wanted them out of my head. I needed to get away but I wanted answers so I knew what I was running from. I felt Morrigan whimper at my thought of running.

"You know I as talking about mates?" I nodded "Well you know they are your mate when you touch you feel sparks?" I nodded for him to carry on....I still didn't understand.


"Er how can I put this...I feel the sparks every time we touch?" It sounded like a question. What was he trying to say. My face must have given it away. He sighed before dropping the biggest bomb shell of my life. Bigger than me being a werewolf!! (and that saying something!)

"We are mates!"


Ryan's POV...

I watched her face suddenly drop when I said that. Fear stabbed at my heart as I thought she was going to run from me. Was she?

"No.....No...No....That can't be...I don't wan...I....No one wants me as a mate....I'm sorry....." She looked to the ground in shame. What was that about?

"Why are you shamed? Is it me?" The sadness couldn't help but leak its way into my words. Her head snapped up and that when I was it....

The purple pinkie scar along her pale neck. It was about 10 cm long. Who had done that? The rage boiled inside me as I stared at the scar. Her hand moved its way to cover it. I watched her in disbelief. Where had she got that from? Another Rogue?

"What happen?" Was all that came out when I tried to ask her. I was fighting an inside battle with me and Darcy. He was trying to force his way out and kill whoever did this to her!

"Nothing happen" Was her comment. This got wolf out of his cage. I was too shocked to stop him. She was going to look out for the people had done this to her?

Avery's POV....

I watched Ryan's eyes suddenly go black like how my father use to go when he got made. I was scared of Ryan for the first time!

"Tell me who hurt you Avery!" Ryan shouted but it wasn't his voice. It was deeper and some how heavier. I started to back away thinking he was going to hit me like my father did when his wolf was speaking to me.

This was a big mistake. It got his wolf madder that I was backing away. "No Mate do not back away!" He grabbed my hand. I felt the sparks but I was still scared to care. "We don't mean to scare you! We love you!" I felt like his eyes softened "Please let me speak to Morrigan?" His wolf asked me softly. I nodded before letting her out. She took controll and I felt pushed back.


"Yes my love?" I suddenly felt my arm go up and hit Ryan across the face. What had Morrigan done that for I saw pain go though his eyes but he did nothing.

"You! Have scared her! What help does scaring her away do?" Morrigan shouted at Darcy. I saw his head dip in shame.

"I did not mean to but the scar and she would not tell us about it."

"Ever thought the pain could be too much for her to bring up now?" Ryan or Darcy shock their head.

"I am sorry my love!!" Darcy said.

"Good because if you don't think about what you do I will make her run from you. I will make sure you can never smell our scent! Now we shall not speak of the scar in till Avery is ready to. Okay?" I felt both Ryan and Darcy agreed to what Morrigan was saying. "Me and Avery are going back into the woods for a run."

"We shall go with you..."

"No. You have done some damage. I need to speak with her. I will come back my love." She placed a hand on his cheek before turning and going back into the woods. I thought I heard a whimper as we walked away.


Hey I have found some mistakes in my last chapters. I may have put scare in stead of scar. It's my Dyslexia (if that is how you spell it) coming though. If there is things like tha point them out and I will fix them.

I'm sorry it short but I have homework due for monday and I haven't started it yet. I hope you liked this chapter.

I may not upload for a bit because I starting back at school again :(( And I have GCES's coming up :((

Tell me what you think....




ps love you all for keeping with my story!!!! It means a lot!!!

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