Chapter 32.... Ryan's POV

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Should I do a next book? (Like with Avery, Ryan, Rohanna, Misty, Connor, Riley ect....) Next chapter will come up soon when I have some comments! (he he he ) :DDD

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Ryan's POV

I watched as my mate screamed and fell to the floor. Rohanna, Misty, the girl Riley, Gracey and Connor were also on the floor. What was going on?

I dropped to the floor and took hold of Avery's hand. That is when I saw it..... There were words on her arm. They looked like they had been cut into her pale flesh.

They said; 'There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls...' what did it mean?

Turlough, Aaron and Hollie ran to me. 

"What is wrong?" Hollie said before looking over at Misty. Misty somehow had ended up in the arms of a crying Connor. Misty looked like she had pasted out from the pain like Avery and Rohanna. Riley was still with us but barely. I saw Aaron stiffen and saw pain run through his eyes as he watched.

"I don't know!" I said as I watched her. “Go check the others. Do they have the same writing on?" I ordered.

Hollie's POV

My best friend! She had passed out and the boy Connor was holding onto for dear life. As I got closer he was crying out Misty's name. What was going on?

"Misty?" I said bending down to her level. I heard Connor growl at me but he was in too much pain to even hurt me.

I took hold of her hand and saw the same writing. It was also glowing a blue colour. I then grabbed hold of Connor's hand to see the same thing but this was glowing a white colour.

I moved on to Gracey where I saw the same writing glowing pink this time. I went over to where Turlough and Aaron sat next to Riley. She had the same writing but it was glowing purple. 

"Ryan?" I shouted running to him. I took hold of Avery's hand to see her writing glowing green. "They all have it but it glows different colours."

"What about Rohanna?" He asked watching his mate.

I ran to the small girl. Her right hand had a glowing gold leaf pattern all over it. I had noted when she came that it was bright red but it was not anymore. The pattern was of thorns and ivy leaves. If you had ever seen the film Beastly, which I had with Misty then it was like that. It even seemed to move then the wind blow. It was creepy!

 Avery's POV

I was warm and safe. There was a steady heart beat next to me and soft breathing of someone a sleep. Ryan...

The pain in my arm had seemed to have cold down but there was still something there. I didn't feel as sick anymore so that was a good thing.

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