Chapter 35..... Avery's POV

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I was out of there. Connor and Misty.... it was just too.... I didn't even know what it was. As I walked down the long hallway to Ryan's room I felt sick. I couldn't believe I was going to leave the one good thing I have ever had just because of a feeling but I knew in my small heart that I was going to do it anyway. It just felt right.

I opened the door to what I saw as my utopia. My perfect place. I saw him bent over a desk writing something on a bit of paper. I couldn't help myself. I watched him. He had not yet seen me but I like to see him so natural like when he's a sleep! He was so care free but soon that will be all gone by my one action. The one thing that was going to him hate me and be heartbroken because of the mark he had given me.

"Ryan?" I whispered so low he might not have heard me but he did and turn around with a smile that brighting his face. My heart gave way with grief. What was I going to do? I had to leave but they say home is where the heart is and mine was completely with him. I was never going to feel safe or at home without him! I felt tears coming but I couldn't let they fall.

"Avery!" He said running to me and spinning me around. This was the last time I was going to see him, touch me. Smell his scent and talk to him. Now I really knew what heart break was!

"I love you!" I whispered. He stopped spinning me and looked me dead in the eye.

"Sorry what did you say?" He asked knowing already what I had said.

"I love you" His lips crashed on mine. I poured my sadness, my love and hope that we would see each other again into that one kiss but soon it was over. Too soon!

"I love you too!" He said with a massive smile on his face. That would be soon gone! I hated myself so much!

"Ryan I'm going to sleep in my room tonight. Is that okay?"

"Yeah but why? We're mates!"

"I know it just I don't feel right here in your room!" I tried to explain.

"No I understand!" He smiled a sad smile. I kissed his lip and the smile was brighter. Why was I doing this? "Come let’s go down stairs." He said putting me on my feet and taking my hand.

That afternoon we spent watching old movies. We were sitting on the sofa me on his lap when he said.

"What do you see of the future?"

"What?" I didn't get what he was asking.

"I mean what you think is going to happen in the future? I have dreamed of meeting my mate but I never thought of what would happen when I had you."

"I don't know. I never knew there were mates for werewolves. What do you want?" I tried to cover up that there was no future for us. Not one with me and him being happy! This was as good as it was ever going to get.

"I want a family! I want to marry you and have children. I want this place full of laughter and love." He smiled before kissing me again. I felt a tear fall. That was never going to happen. "Why are you crying?" He pulled back sudden.

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