Chapter 36.... Ryan's POV

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I felt a sudden emptiness; it was like all the happiness in the world was sucked away. I felt lonely and unloved. Why? My wolf wasn't speaking and I could feel his heart break rolling off him. Why? I just didn't understand any of this.

Avery had said she loved us so why were we sad. My head was spinning with unanswered questions. As I lay there thinking of Avery I heard feet steps running around the house. I could feel the uneasiness in the whole house. There was something wrong.

"Alpha?" I knock at my door.

"Yes?" I said not really caring if they went or not.

"We need to talk to you?" They asked.

"Can't you talk to the Luna?" Avery could fix what was going on.

"It is the Luna we wish to speak about!"

"Oh! I'll be there is a second." Something in my heart told me to hurry so I did. I rolled out of bed and grabbed some jeans and a white v neck t-shirt. I didn't shower but changed as quickly as I could.

I opened the door to a range of pack members. There was Jackie Aaron's mum and Hollie. There was Will and George the old pack Beta. Turlough, Aaron, Riley and Connor.

"What's going on?" I feared the answer. It was like the day my mother died apart from I hadn't here crying. I listen closely and there it was the crying of a child... Rohanna!

"What is wrong with Rohanna?" I growled thinking of the bitch Gracey!

"Sir... Alpha...." The young pack member Will spat out. Will was as tall as me maybe a little smaller. He was well built like all wolves. His hair was light brown and long. He had what looked like grey eyes. He had a strong jaw line which was another trait of a werewolf. His scent was of fresh rain and mint. He must be about 16 by the look of him. I could tell he feared me which meant that he was young. He was around my age so why he feared me I had no idea.

"Will have you shifted yet?" I asked not knowing why I had asked it but I wanted to know.

"No Sir I haven't. My mother was human so there is a chance I will never shift." He said looking at the floor.

"No I feel like you will shift. I don't know why but there is something about you that makes you important and my wolf respects you." I explained I saw his eyes light up before dimming again. "Right explain slowly. What is going on?"

"Well Sir..."

"Ryan" I cut in. I hated being called sir so formal!

"Sorry Ryan... I went to go wake the Luna up as I was told to do by Beta Turlough..."

"We needed an Alpha to sort something out but Avery is so much nicer in the morning than you Ryan!" Turlough explained to me.

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